Monday, August 9, 2010

It's a new day

We had a successful trip to South Carolina and found a place to live. We decided to rent a 2 bedroom apartment for the time being as we wait for our house to sell. It is definitely going to be an adjustment for us, but I am looking forward to the challenges and the newness of it all. I felt very melancholy when we came back to our house here in Kansas, but I know that God will open new doors for us in SC.

Our house is officially on the  market and we've had NO ONE come by to see it yet. Blah! It is nice to have the incentive to keep the house clean and picked up, but I really wish the fruit of my labors would pay off a little. Praying that the house will sell in the next couple of months at least.

Baby girl is starting to work towards her big debut. Spent an evening in the hospital last week getting monitored for contractions and had to get a shot to stop them. I am currently on a medication to keep them at bay and have not had any more long episodes of contractions since, but getting several good ones a day (by good, I mean nice and painful). She has moved down into position and they said she is really low. Already dilated and effaced a little bit, so it will be interesting to see what the next few weeks hold. I am supposed to be taking it easy, and am doing so as much as possible, at least for the next couple of weeks.

Seth is working in South Carolina all week so I am home alone with the little boy and the big belly. :) Trying to keep busy, not too busy to cause any labor, but busy enough to keep us distracted. Starting to feel the weariness of the final few weeks and ready to be done with this pregnancy. Thankful for feeling good up until this point though.

Well, that's that. I am going to work on some fun crocheting projects this week when I find some time and maybe do some other fun crafts too. I know that once the little girl arrives I won't have time to devote to such things. I should probably start washing up some of her clothes too.


  1. keep that baby in the oven! i'm glad you made it there safe...praying for your house to sell.

  2. Wow, isn't it nuts how quickly the end of this pregnancy has come? And it looks like you might deliver before I do! I sure hope you don't feel too stressed. It will all come together and the Lord's timing is so perfect. I'm excited for you. And for me. :)
