Monday, January 21, 2013

Christmas 2012

We had a fun surprise for Christmas! My sister and her now new hubby brought their twin mini goats and the goat mama to visit. We had our own petting zoo set up in the garage! :) 

Nora loved the goats and went out to visit them several times that day. Aidan, however,was freaked out about them and it took all day to convince him to go in the pen. I guess by the time we got him in there we had put the camera away. 

We did have a nice day together and I thankfully felt pretty well. The kids enjoyed opening presents and being at Mimi's house. We also went to visit Seth's family the following day (which was actually Christmas Day), but have no pictures because my camera lens is broken and I've been  relying on my parent's point and shoot for now. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

12 Weeks

How many weeks: 12
How I am feeling: Crummy with a side of Zofran and Zantac. :) I was throwing up, but started taking meds last week and am still feeling sick, but not as bad. Struggling to sleep due to insomnia, sickness, and acid reflux.
Looking forward: Can't wait to be in the 2nd trimester and hopefully start feeling a little better!
Gender Prediction: While unconfirmed (obviously) I think we are having another girl!
Heart/rate: 160s
Thoughts on pregnancy: Excited to have finally had our first appointment, saw my midwife who delivered Nora (yeah!), and am hoping to feel some movement in the next couple of weeks!


We've had 2 snows since living back in the nice cold state of KS. :) The kids have had a blast and loved every bit of it. I was smart and got snowsuits/boots ahead of time so that I would be prepared. As soon as we suited Aidan up, Nora said, "Hey, I want to be a fireman, too!" Apparently, she thought Aidan's red snowsuit resembled a fireman's getup. So, we got her suited up and dubbed her the "pink fireman." She has since asked to be the pink fireman several times. 

These pictures were all from the first snow we had (right before Christmas) and the kids were able to sled down the icy street for a couple of days before it melted away. The next snow we went sledding on an actual hill and that was fun too. I actually got all bundled up and went outside with them both times, even while feeling kinda crummy. I just couldn't miss out on the kids experiencing snow again!

Friday, January 4, 2013

And it is all summed up like this....

My camera is broken, my day to day life is haphazard and non-structured (living with family), I have been super sick as I slowly work my way through the first trimester of pregnancy....and such is my life.

I luckily have a few pictures of the kids on my parent's camera from their first snow since we've been in Kansas and our family's Christmas together. But as for actually making any memories and then documenting them, I've been pretty out of the loop. Growing a baby is tough work and this one has been the roughest adventure for me yet.

Thank the Lord for medication. I finally gave in and called my midwife the day I turned 11 weeks (still haven't been in to see her yet) and pleaded for help. I was tired of puking at night, not sleeping, and struggling to swallow. I let go of my fears and am now taking anti-nausea medicine, Zantac, and melatonin. Amen and amen. I am an actual human being again and it is wonderful. Not that I feel amazing or am actually sleeping blissfully through the night, but oh to feel like a person again is wonderful!

I will be 12 weeks next week when I go to see my midwife and I am super excited to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time.

Happy New Year!

Although the actual day was far from happy for me...(I spent most of it in bed or sitting in the bathroom next to the toilet-this first trimester is kicking my rear big time), I have been able to do a lot of reflecting in my hours of distress.

2012 was a full year for us. A few highlights to remember:
We celebrated 5 years of marriage!
Nora was weaned and started sleeping through the night at 18 months!
Aidan turned 4
We visited Myrtle Beach with family
We started Classical Conversations
We drove all the way to Kansas
Went to Silver Dollar City with the kids
Seth and I spent our first night away from the kids in over 2 years
My grandpa passed away
We went on a family vacation to Charleston
Nora turned 2
Spending evenings outside by the fire with Seth
I had my first craft fair
We moved across the country
I became pregnant with baby #3
We moved in with my parents for the remainder of the year
We played in the snow for the first time in 2 years
My sister got married on New Year's Eve
We made an offer on a house in KS

As I look at the year ahead I am looking forward to:

Hopefully enjoying this pregnancy and the wonder of a little baby forming in my belly
Celebrating 6 years of marriage!
Closing on our house and moving out of my parent's house
My sister having twins!
Having 2 potty trained children!
Our little addition arriving in the summer
Aidan turning 5 and Nora turning 3
Aidan starting Kindergarten
My homeschooling adventure truly beginning
Decorating my new home
Visit from my brother and his family from Canada
New friends, new habits, new places to go
Having grandparents close by
Being at home with my kids and making the most out of our days
Hospitality and opening my home to friends