Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Backyard Renovation

When we moved to our new house, we knew that the backyard would need some work. We had a brick patio and a wooden deck, but the bricks in the patio were cracked and weeds were growing up in between and the deck was asking for termite invasion. We also needed to put a drain in along the edge of our house because we have a negative grade (the ground slopes downward toward our house) and we didn't want to have flooding issues. Let's just say this has become quite the project.

I wish I had some before pics, but I don't.

This is where the deck used to be and where our new patio will be.  Aidan enjoyed playing in the dirt.

This is our new drain. This was a two weekend project. Seth had to dig out some big bushes and then dig a huge trench before putting in the pipe, gravel, and dirt.

The demolished deck which we can use for firewood for the fire pit we hope to build.

Aidan sitting in the dirt playing with an old shoe. (Excuse his outfit--I just threw on some clothes he could get dirty in)

Hopefully in the next few weeks, the patio will be finished and I can update with some pics of what it looks like after all the work!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Great Expectations

I am looking towards the future with great expectations of what is to come. There seems to be a lot of change headed our way.

Seth is looking into the possibility of some intense training/schooling along with continuing to work his job full-time.

We are talking very seriously about baby #2.

We are rearranging and discussing and hoping and praying for these great changes in our lives.

I tend to find myself getting too involved mentally with mere ideas and I take off with a plan for the next 10 years, but God is really teaching me to wait and see. Wait and see what plans He has in store for us. Our ideas are just that....ideas. He knows what lies ahead.

Thank you Lord for turning my expectations into greater trust in You.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Unusually Pleasant

Today was a day of few kinks. Thank you, Lord.

It was raining most of the day in a most dreary sort of way. The leaves have started falling off our trees and the lawn and driveway are hidden in a blanket of yellow and gold. If you look hard you can spot a patch of grass, but the leaves seem to have taken over as if to say that there is no turning back to the green days of summer.

The babies were not restless...I was at peace. I was surprised at my calm. The rain has a way of making me itch to escape from the hum-drum of the house. We ventured out twice. It was a sight to see, I'm sure. Diaper bag slung over one shoulder, baby carrier in one arm, and toddler on opposite hip, walking in an odd way to distribute the weight just enough so as not to tip over.

The library was buzzing with activity...rainy days have that affect on places like that. I love the library...I don't always enjoy keeping up with an 18 month old in the library, but when I am free to peruse the shelves at my leisure I am in heaven.

The babies slept...I had about 40 min. to myself and it was nice. I cleaned the kitchen and crocheted a hat that I completely restarted later this evening.

Seth was gone tonight, so it was just me and the boy for bedtime. Aidan was full of giggles and his smiles erased any lingering negativity from the past week. I was in love tonight...the delight was indescribable. We laughed, wrestled, tickled, threw our heads back, stuck out our tongues, mimicked each other's noises, and laughed some more. He wanted to stay in his bath forever and I was perfectly content sitting on the bathroom floor, watching him splash and sing and ask for more and more "bubbles." We cuddled and prayed and kissed and whispered and then he was off to bed. I didn't want it to end.

I spent the rest of my evening mopping the kitchen floor, watching some old ER, and doing pilates-not nearly as meaningful as the preceding events.

Thank you God for the gifts You have bestowed on me.

A few days ago, I read something that has been ever present with me and I wanted to share it.

Do Not Rush. Trust. And Keep a Quiet Heart.

"I think I find most help in trying to look on all the interruptions and hindrances to work that one has planned out for oneself as discipline, trials sent by God to help one against getting selfish over one's work. Then one can feel that perhaps one's true work-one's work for God-consists in doing some trifling haphazard thing that has been thrown into one's day. It is not a waste of time, as one is tempted to think, it is the most important part of the work of the day-the part that one can best offer to God. After such a hindrance, do not rush after the planned work; trust that the time to finish it will be given sometime, and keep a quiet heart about it. "

-Annie Keary, 1825-1879

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

physically worn, but spiritually new

Today I have a splitting headache.

Aidan is away at my mom's house (hurray!), but she thinks he is running a fever (boo!).

As far as things go physically, I am just worn out to the max.

I have been complaining for too long and the Lord has been working on my heart. The past few weeks I have been hearing the Word in a fresh and new way that excites my spirit even when all other facets of my being are broken down and tired.

I will bless the Lord at all times. I will. I will.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Smart...or maybe not

It seems I cannot escape half-witted, frazzle-brained behaviors these days. Motherhood seems to do that to you I guess.

While I find my lack of togetherness, and all around half-conscious blunders to be rather frustrating in the moment, I do enjoy a good laugh when all is said and done.

Last week I had a particularly bad day. (note to self: don't leave your brain at home)

I was taking Aidan and Oakley to my friend's house before we went to a library "rhyme time." After the huge effort of getting both little ones in the car and pulling away from the house, I realized a few minutes down the road that I had forgotten to brush my teeth. Gross! I couldn't remember the last time I did that. So, I hurriedly drove back to the house, jumped out the car, leaving the babies behind, and quickly brushed my teeth. So, no big deal, and we were off again. Things went rather smoothly (as much as possible when pushing a stroller and trying to chase a reckless 18 month old toddler) for the rest of the morning. The library event was canceled, so after a quick change of plans we went to play at a local church. All was well until it was time to go. At this point, I had a hungry and tired toddler on my hands and I was desperately trying to locate all my things to get the kids in the car. But, wait, where did I put my keys? I started frantically searching and hoping that I hadn't locked them in the car. No, they were not in the car, but my car was unlocked nonetheless, as I had forgotten to lock it in all my hurry (did that again this morning too). I searched all over: the bathroom, the play room, the floors, the diaper bag (twice). I decided to just get the kids in the car and go from there. And wouldn't you know, after I ran back inside to scour the place, I come out to find them sitting in the diaper bag which I already searched twice. Grrrr! I jumped in the car and drove away.

Now, here is the funny part.


I left it sitting right there and drove away.

And I didn't think about it until 4 days later...when I realized it was not in the trunk or the garage.

I started calling around to places I had been and lo and behold, it is waiting for me at the church.

I'm glad I can laugh about it.

So, anyone have a funny story to tell on yourself?

Check this out!

This site has some unique jewelry. The designs are so simple, but so delightful.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

All is calm...for now

Both babies are sleeping...for the moment. I am eating some yogurt and granola and browsing on craigslist.

It is rare to be able to sit down without interruption these days, but I cherish the time with doing mindless activities. :)

Aidan had his 18 month checkup today and did great. He had to get 2 shots, but thankfully it wasn't too traumatic. I am delaying many of his shots, so he never gets more than that at a time. No flu shot for us either. He is 33 1/2 in. (82nd percentile) and 25 lb.s 3 oz.s (45th percentile).

Oakley is teething at 3 months...or so it seems. His bottom gum is getting bumpy and he is congested and fussy. He chews on everything and he's been running a mild fever today. No fun!

Playing "mom of 2 under 18 months" is not easy, but I am adjusting daily. Both have been sick recently and that made things more stressful, but I am learning new things all the time. So come on baby #2, I am ready for you!

I am trying to find time to take up crocheting again. OH, where does the time go?

I am also really loving MOPS. I am so happy I joined up and I wish it could be every single week, or even every day for that matter! It is so refreshing and relaxing.

I am trying to figure out how I am going to exercise as the weather gets colder. I haven't been on a good routine anyway because I have been so exhausted from my days with the boys. Must get in good shape before we start thinking about having another baby though.

It is still quiet in the house....Hallelujah!

Monday, October 5, 2009

18 months

To my happy and sweet little boy,

You are now 18 months old...1/2 of the way to 2, which is crazy to believe! You are learning at an incredible pace these days and I have a hard time keeping track of everything you are doing. Some of your new words this month are: beep, cheese, march, jump, bowl, book, snail, frog, roar, milk, and moo. You repeat so much of what we say now and it is so fun to see you sounding words out. You say "more" all the time now when you want something and you also say "no" a lot more too. Playing in the car has lost its attractiveness for now, but you are now obsessed with beeping the horn and you say "beep beep" all the time. You like to ring the doorbell several times when we get home and you always say "ding dong." You had another nasty ear infection this month and it was a long week of runny noses, little sleep, and lots of fussing, but your special blanket and Elmo kept you happy. You love to watch TV and although I don't like to let you so much, it is a real life saver when I am feeding Oakley. Speaking of Oakley, you are really starting to adjust to his presence more and more. You try to be a big help to Mommy and can give him his pacifier and you help with giving Mommy wipes when I am changing his diaper. You want to always throw his dirty diapers away and you will also bring him his blanket if he is crying. You like to talk to him and kiss him and rock him. You are still sometimes a little rough, but you really are improving daily. Aidan, you are so full of personality that it baffles me sometimes. You have an incredibly strong will, but you are also extremely sensitive at times. It is hard to know how to discipline you, but it is so sweet to see you respond to correction in a positive way. You love to be with other children and you have lots of little friends. You talk and talk in long sentences that make no sense and you smile and hug them. You have even been caught stealing kisses from little girls. There are so many wonderful things that you do that I want to always remember this time in your life.

You are so loved!
