Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Faves

 Ben and Jerry's new Greek Frozen Yogurt: Raspberry Fudge Chunk. I bought this and ate it all myself in 2 days without telling my husband. It was the best $2.50 I've spent in awhile.

 Pretty coral-ish ring I made it!

 Yarn love....making some chunky cowls for a craft fair in October.

And trying out some new patterns....this is a new fave!

And (no lie!) dreaming of going to spend a few days at this beach house in Charleston. So blessed by this gift and excited for a some relaxation with my family.

And just so you can see what most of my life is like....does anyone else's craft area look like this on a regular basis? I have been sewing a crib skirt, working on Nora's birthday present and crocheting like crazy lately to prepare for an upcoming craft show.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

So they can see I tried to be a fun mom

Man, blogging has sure taken a backseat in my life lately. We've just been bustling along and staying busy. But every so often I get a chance to document some of what we've been up to.

A couple weeks ago we had a very rainy Saturday. Like, rain all day kind of day. The kids had a blast running around in the rain and then came in for warm baths. Later that night, we had a movie night, piled up pillows and blankets on the floor, ate popcorn, and snuggled while we watched a new movie. 

I hope someday my kids can appreciate that I tried to be fun. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Nora: 23 months and a bathtub photo shoot :)

Favorite things you say: I need nappett! (napkin), Where baby wizerd?(lizard), What happened?( says this all the time in response to us sighing, saying oh no, or anything like that), I wanna eat sumpin!, (hears noises) They building house?, I want legurt! (yogurt), Eat hummus?, My babin soup! (bathing suit), and so many more!

Favorite things you do: love playing hide and seek (hides in laundry closet and stays quiet each time or lays on kitchen floor and covers eyes), loving on babies and stuffed animals, eating!, reading books, going to the park, being outside, following Aidan, bathtime, and being rocked.

Least favorite things: going to bed, riding in the car, waiting for food to be prepared, being chased by Aidan, and having toys taken away.

New things you did this month: painted with watercolors, used a fork proficiently, started sleeping longer for naptime

You are becoming more independent, but also want to be the baby. You are definitely jealous when I give attention to other babies and go nuts when I hold them. You want to make sure they know that I am your mama. You are sassy and sweet and full of energy. We are entering some new territory with you now that you are starting to be more willfully disobedient, but you seem to respond well to correction. You are easily coerced and influenced by your brother's behavior, so we are trying to help him see that he needs to set a good example to you.

You are a blessing and joy!


Be still my heart

Fighting over toys: 6 hours, 13 minutes.
Screaming at each other: 45 minutes
Crying: 2 hours
Sitting together, arms around each other, reading books: 7 minutes

Capturing that moment: PRICELESS!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Faves

This adorable house was a recent find via Pinterest. I am planning to make my own version for Nora's 2nd birthday which is right around the corner. 

I am thinking to get some little sweet Calico Critters (or something similar and less expensive) to add to it. She will love it! I just need to get working.

Love this outfit and the thought of Fall getting closer. Summers are long here in SC.

Loving some "big girl" room inspiration.

Loving some great recipes to use all our blueberries we picked last Saturday.

Loving these colors and home decor inspiration!

What are you loving these days?

P.S. I'm also loving the fact that Aidan slept all the way through the night for the first time in 9 days. We celebrated with ice cream cones this morning. Nothing like a good night's sleep for once!