Thursday, September 26, 2013

Enna- 2 month letter


You are actually 10 weeks old today and Mama is way behind on blogging due to the fun you have brought to our everyday life. :)

You have mellowed out some in the past month. You are smiling all the time now and love to be talked to. You definitely get A LOT of attention around here--sometimes too much for you to handle. You are the most smiley and talkative in the early morning and when you get your diaper changed.

You started sleeping longer hours in the night when I took you to PA this month for my cousin's wedding/Grandma's birthday. You traveled well on the plane, but HATED the car ride from Philadelphia to where we were staying. Most car rides were rather screamy, but you learned a little flexibility while we were there. You have tolerated the car much better in the past 2 weeks.

Now that you are only waking about once a night, I am starting to feel more rested, but look forward to a full night's sleep happening in the next few months. You are not easy to wake for a dream feed, so your longest stretch is usually from 7-8 pm until 3-4am. I wish you would start that stretch at 10 or 11, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.

You love to be outside and like taking walks in the stroller as long as you don't have to be in your carseat. You like baths and your bouncy seat. And, you stay pretty content sometimes just lying on your back on the bed looking around.

You are super alert and have great head control which is something that people notice right away. You are soaking up the world around you and wanting so much to interact with it. I think that is probably why you struggle to nap during the day sometimes.

You are sleeping in your room all the time now and sleep on your tummy. You like to suck on your fist and pacifier to sleep. You don't put yourself to sleep very well, but prefer to be rocked or held. You also like to have your bottom patted. You are finally letting me sit when holding you when you are tired, so that is an improvement. There has been a lot less crying/screaming in our days and that makes me very grateful. You also love to sleep in the baby carrier. If you are having a rough day I strap you in there and you usually go right to sleep.

We are enjoying you so much. I sometimes feel sad that I don't always have as much time to spend loving on you, but I think you don't mind too much.



You weighed 11 lbs. 9 oz. and were 23 in. long at your 2 month checkup. That puts you in the 50th percentile for weight and 70th for height.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Nora's 3rd Birthday

Nora's birthday was on September 10th, but we celebrated a few days early with our family by going to the Old Settler's Day Parade and then going back to our house for a light lunch and cake. It was fun little time and we enjoyed celebrating Nora.

The kids loved the parade and enjoyed sitting by the curb. The rest of us sat under the shade of a tree.

Enna did great and slept pretty much the whole time!

I made this birthday banner the night before. I cut the letters out with scrapbook paper and then glued them onto card stock and strung it up with twine. I hope to use it for years to come. 

Nora requested a heart cake with pink icing and sprinkles. I saw something similar on Pinterest, so I gave it a shot. 

Nora: 3 year letter

Nora Cadence,

My sweet big girl! I feel like you have suddenly grown up overnight and I hardly recognize this little person you are becoming. When did you stop being my little baby?

You are such a fun person to be around. You are so full of life and personality and I love the things that make you so uniquely you.

You love to play, and play, and play. You spend hours and hours in your own imaginary little world. You love to play with your little princesses and little dollhouse people, but you also play with lots of other things: Aidan's castle men, pirate figures, animals, food etc... You love to play that your food is talking...especially things like cookies and grapes, but I've even caught you having conversations with two pieces of grated cheese. Your imagination is endless! You still very much like to play on your belly, but your new spot for playing is the kitchen table. You line everything up and sit there for hours. You also love playing with Aidan and you both have started really relating well in the past couple of months.

You are a free spirit. You don't mind your hair being wild and in your face. You love to pick out your clothes. You take off your clothes at all hours of the day and walk around in just your undies. You make messes. You laugh with your head flung back. You sing at the top of your lungs.

One thing that I especially see in you is a love for music. You catch on to songs quickly and have started singing along to Audrey Assad (your current favorite music!). You say, "Oh, that's my song!" or request different songs to listen to and immediately belt it out when you know the words. You are not a quiet singer, but you stay pretty well in tune and sing loudly and confidently. It makes us all stop and listen to you.

You don't really care to learn things from me. You have no interest in learning your letters or doing any type of formal "school." You do tell me you want to go to school, but you don't want me to teach you anything right now. I think I was a lot like that when I was a little girl too.

You are still very affectionate and sweet. You love to be held, to cuddle and to hold your fleecy blankets. You suck on your tongue as a comfort measure, but I am hoping you will break that habit eventually. The other day you were having a rough time after your nap and you came to the couch to sit with me. I cuddled you up in my arms and held you for a little while. Eventually you got up and I said, "Thanks for sitting with me." You turned and said, "Thanks for cuddling." Hands down one of the best mom moments of my life!

Nora, I can't wait to see what the next years of your life hold. You are so much fun and I am so very blessed to be your mother.

Happy 3 years!
