Wednesday, August 25, 2010

254 days down

I have been pregnant just that long. Pretty crazy, huh?

Well, today was quite the busy little day.

Woke up super early to Aidan, soaking wet again. Mom helped me change sheets and I made him get back in bed. He complied and stayed in there for another hour or so. I trudged back to bed and fell fast asleep, waking to find a completely fed child contentedly reading books with Mimi. Yippee!

Got a nice long shower. So nice. So refreshing. So private.

Took off to Wal-mart and then my  midwife appointment. Appointment went great. No cervical check, but good conversation and such. My group B strep test came back negative so that was good.

Ran home to check on things and make myself some lunch. Sat in silence. Uploaded pictures to blog.

Then I treated myself to some slow browsing of the aisles at Joann Fabrics and Hobby Lobby. I don't remember the last time I did that, but it was heavenly. I picked up a bunch of super cheap, super cute fabric remnants and some other crafty supplies and headed back to my mom's house.

We went to the Farmer's Market, then came home to eat our fresh veggies. Aidan had a few meltdowns at dinner.

Took Aidan to the park after dinner and then he was shipped off to bed early.

I decided to get my sewing machine out and try to finish a purse I am making. Being my very first sewing project, and being rather new at this whole thing, I had quite the time of it, but accomplished a few things before throwing my hands up in the air and calling it a night.

So, now I sit.... 254 days pregnant and still a very horrible seamstress. We will have to remedy both these things.


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