Thursday, August 26, 2010


So, I'm at a loss for a good subject as I've been doing this blogging thing like every day now and am so not creative.

Plus, for some reason, my brain has withered away to nothingness on account of the baby I carry in my womb and I cannot for the life of me remember simple things....Like, for instance, taking a diaper with me to Aidan's Dr. appointment just in case he had peed like 5 gallons into the one he had on and I looked like I neglect my child.

My child is so funny though. Even if his mother does forget to change his ridiculously full diaper before taking him to the pediatrician. When the doc came in the room, he said, "Listen to my heart," followed by, "Check my ears." When asked what his favorite food was he said, "Candy!"....and "Broccoli." For the love child. You don't eat either thing that often, but at least you said something healthy after an enthusiastic vote for candy. He also managed to spill a bunch of water, fall off the table, and eat half the sucker stick along with the sucker. He did great getting his shots though. So brave and so sweet. He even said he'd go back again.

I tried my hand at sewing again today, but got a little stuck while trying to figure out how to put a zipper into the lining of the purse and just gave up and took a nap. It was a great idea!

The rest of the day was pretty blah and humdrum. I mean, we ate food, talked, I went to Wal-mart again to find some sort of diaper my child won't pee out of in the night (Aidan woke up for the 3rd time in a row absolutely soaking wet).

My mom and I started watching a sad movie about World War II and smuggling children out of the ghetto. I was crocheting a blanket for the baby so I could try and distract myself from crying too much, but it just plain got to me and we opted to turn it off and go to bed.

Seth gets home tomorrow night. Can't believe the week without him is almost over. It went by so much faster than the last time.

I felt really uncomfortably pregnant today. Hoping for some renewed energy tomorrow.

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