Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Let's live it up till labor begins....

Aidan was up early again this morning....soaking wet. So, I stripped the bed and started the laundry with my eyes half closed.

Breakfast was like usual. Found some cute yoga pants my mom bought me for my birthday. Decided to wear them even though I don't like tight pants on my pregnant self. Wonderfully comfortable choice, everyone who sees me is just gonna have to live with it.

Got ourselves ready and headed over to play with our dear friends Davis and Susan. The boys really love to play together so it is always a good time. Since it was so nice out today we took a walk to the park.

Sweet boys sliding and holding hands....cuteness.
After a great walk, I left Aidan and went for my 1 hour prenatal massage that I received for my birthday (yeah, like 3 months ago). It was so nice and relaxing and I'm glad that I got it in before little baby girl gets here. Susan was so gracious to watch Aidan for me and even try to feed the monkey some lunch.

Picked him up after I was done, got him down for a nap, and made myself a nice little lunch while watching 27 dresses. I picked the movie up from the library the other day figuring it would be cutesie and whatnot, but oh well. I watched for a little bit while I finished my lunch and completed some sweet crocheting projects. Pictures of those will have to come later as well due to my ridiculous internet issues.

Then I hit the hay. Got about 30 minutes of rest before I heard a banging on the door. Our laptop arrived. Yay! We will have no room for an office or anything when we move, so we purchased a laptop with a nice little webcam so we can skype with the family and they can see how cute our kids are and miss them all the more.

Aidan woke up and things got seriously crazy. 

Picking up the house/packing to go to my mom's/trying to keep my child from destroying things pretty much sucked the life out of me.

Aidan threw a bunch of paper towels in the toilet and flushed. PERFECT. We just had a major clog in our main drain which coughed up a huge bunch of nastiness into our laundry room and required some professional and somewhat costly assistance. Now I think I know why.

Drove to my mom's. Aidan smashed grapes in his carseat.

The weather was more than perfect so we went for another walk after dinner. So nice if I didn't have a big ol' baby pushing down in my pelvis. Contractions while walking in nearly perfect weather kinda take away from the nearly perfect weather.

Finished the evening with a bowl of ice cream and some tv watchin. I like going to my parent's house because they have cable or satellite or something like that and I can watch whatever ridiculous show I want. Tonight's choice: I didn't know I was pregnant on TLC. What craziness.

Well, time for bed.


  1. oh my word. hilarious and crazy.

    p.s. does he not wear pullups at night? layne did until recently and he's 4!

  2. Aidan's not even potty trained yet. He is actually wearing diapers, just pees like crazy at night sometimes.
