Friday, August 13, 2010

My heart is full: A letter to my son

My sweet Seth Aidan,

You are the most energetic two year old I know. I can't believe that you are mine, and am so amazed at how grown up you've become lately.

This morning you said in a sing song voice, "Jesus loves me, this I know" and it melted my heart. I love to hear you talk about praising Jesus and to see you remembering things we've told you. You have started wanting to really sing with us and your favorites to sing along to are "Skinamarinky Dinky Dink", "A Bushel and a Peck", and the "ABC's".

Your vocabulary and memory constantly blow me away. You know so much for being so little. You seem to really comprehend emotions and other things too. I love being able to reason with you and explain why things are the way they are.

You are talking a lot about "baby sister" in Momma's belly these days. You felt her hiccups and now you suck in your tummy and puff it out to mimic hiccups in your belly too. It is super cute. You seem to understand that there is a little baby coming and we talk about it a lot. Today we bought diapers and pacifiers for her and you seemed to definitely understand that.

Some of my favorite things you've said recently are:

"I not watch Gabba (Yo Gabba Gabba). That guy scares me."
"Those kids not hear me." (After saying "hi" to a bunch of kids at the pool)
"I'm not good, I'm 2." (In response to someone saying, "How are you?")
"I play big tar when I am big." (Talking about guitars)
"I not run away."

You are so friendly and say "hi" to everyone. You love to talk about anything to strangers and will usually tell them what we are doing. You also love to announce that you have a poopy diaper in public. You told some man at the library the other day that you "did a big poop" and I just happened to overhear it.

You are starting to become more imaginative in your play and will play with your food a lot when you are eating. Today you were scolding one of your hands for not sharing with the other hand. You then proceeded to take turns eating with each one.

My heart is so full of love for you. I can't even begin to express it. I am blessed to be your mother and can't wait to continue this relationship we have. You are my pride and joy and I don't know what life would be like without you in it. Even when parenting you can be challenging and exhausting, I find it so much more rewarding and fulfilling. I have learned so much from you and can't believe it has already been almost 2 1/2 years since you entered our world.

I love you,


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