Friday, April 2, 2010

A feeling I know too well

I was looking at my post from a couple of Fridays ago and it struck me how funny it was that I was feeling the same way. Friday again....Seth gone all week, and I am near meltdown.

There was a lot of fussing and whining going on at my house this week. A lot of sleeping issues too. Aidan fell down the stairs and got the worst looking black eye and scrape that he has ever had. I wish I would have taken a picture, but it looked so bad, I just couldn't. His eye is still a little blackish/greenish and the scrape is less ghastly looking, so I don't feel guilty taking him out and about now. I was a little worried I was going to have child services hunting me down.

I was saddened by my grumpiness this evening. I felt completely done in. I didn't want to clean up any more messes or fix anymore food, or deal with any more whining. I wanted to run away....The problem is, that is a feeling I feel way too often on Friday evenings when Seth is in class.

The great thing about today however was that it is Good Friday. And the good thing about that is....I am reminded about how good I really do have it, how blessed I really am. I was able to go to a Good Friday service tonight and it was refreshing, sorrowing, humbling. I was moved to remember that Christ suffered for me. He suffered something far worse than piles of dirty dishes, screaming children, and lonely nights. He suffered the sin of this world, and part of that was for me. When I feel like I have the short end of the stick, it is good to be reminded of the cross. The beautiful cross, where He died for me.

Thank you......for turning my feelings into something new, something expressed to You, as gratitude for Your wonderful gift.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing this. such a good reminder. (p.s. helpful husbands are awesome, and you realize just how helpful they are when they are gone most of the week!)
