Wednesday, September 1, 2010

We packed our bags

But, unfortunately, my flirtation with labor came to end around 1 am.

Had such strong contractions last night, and they started coming every 3-4 minutes for about 2+ hours. I even took a bath and laid in bed for awhile to see if they would fade. They didn't, I called the midwife. Decided to wait another hour or so before going to hospital. With that, my labor got shy and ran away. This annoys me greatly because I had this pre-labor junk for weeks upon weeks with Aidan. However, nothing quite as uncomfortable, painful, or prolonged as last night.

After a night of very little sleep, I was rather grouchy today.

We had a little playdate with some friends, Aidan took his new routine short nap, we played, I made waffles, got smoothies from Smoothie King, took a long walk, long shower, and now ready for bed.

Tomorrow is my midwife appt. and we shall see what she says.

I need to just focus on enjoying these last few days or weeks of waiting.

Must crochet. :)


  1. AH! False alarms are so fun, huh? Bummer! Well, I'm sure those contractions just got your body more and more ready for Little Girl's grand entrance. Praying for you!

  2. it's good that your body is doing some work prepping you for labor...let it work! better spaced out than all at once. progress!
