Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thoughts from a sleep deprived Mama

First off. SNOT. There seems to be plenty of said substance coming out of my 2 year old's nose. And, I can't stand it. There is something about a snotty child that just gets to me. I feel like I am constantly saying, "STOP wiping your nose on the couch, blankets, your sister, your clothes, etc..." And then there is the snotty sneezes...can't even begin to describe how those make me feel. Enough said. You get the picture.

Sleep. Oh sleep. I miss you. Why is it that snotty nosed children also like to wake up early? I've been up with a little precious bundle, trying to keep her awake while she nurses and stumbling back to bed at every ungodly hour of the AM. Can you please just sleep in for goodness sake?

Okay, so obviously, I am losing my mind or something. Other than that....we've had showings at our house the past two days. Yesterday, I spent the whole day getting the house ready and then it was a no-go. Bummer! Then, we had another showing today, and I only had to pick up for like 45 minutes. Still waiting for some feedback on this one tonight. It is at least encouraging to actually have showings for once. We are having an open house this weekend so that's another potential move in the right direction.

Started watching The Amazing Race last night and I was cracking up. If you haven't seen the girl getting smashed in the face with a melon, then you have to look it up on youtube or something. It was so horribly awful and funny at the same time. Usually things like that aren't so funny to me, but hey, I haven't had a good night's sleep in shoot me.

No crafting going on in this household as of late. Mostly just nursing, nursing, and nursing some more in the evenings. This girl likes to cluster feed if you know what I mean. Glad she is eating well, but sure looking forward to the days when things are a little less demanding.

Well, I am totally going to go make myself some Mother's Milk Tea (started getting anxious about my supply even though everything seems to be going just fine). Guess it doesn't hurt to give myself a little boost. And....then I am going to finish The Amazing Race premiere that I started last night.

Just trying to keep it together over here.

1 comment:

  1. Exhausted mothers unite!!
    There is a camaraderie in it though, don't you think?!
