Saturday, September 11, 2010

Labor Story

This is for only those that are interested and willing to hear the details of Nora's birth.

On Sept. 9th, I woke up feeling like I had a crampy backache. Had contractions off and on all day until I went to my midwife appointment. She said I was 4.5 cm dilated and 70% effaced and stripped my membranes. Contractions got a little bit more consistent a few hours later and we sent Aidan off to his grandparent's for the night just in case. We took a walk and contractions came every 3 minutes, but then slowed down when we came home. This was very similar to my experience with Aidan and was very frustrating because I never went into labor on my own and I didn't have any way of knowing if something would really progress. Took another walk later and then called it quits and went to bed around 11 pm because contractions were pretty much gone. I was super frustrated because my midwife was on call that night and then would be gone for a week. We scheduled an induction for the following week, but I was afraid that I might not make it until then and I really wanted her to assist with the delivery. Woke up around 1:30 am with what I thought was a contraction, but then slept off and on until about 2:30 am when I suddenly had contractions 10 min., 5 min. and then 3 min. apart. I got up and walked around, got a drink of water. Contractions remained at 3 min. and were getting strong. I decided to wake Seth up at 3:00 and called my midwife. She said to come to the hospital. We started packing and I called my parents. The pain started to pick up quite a bit, but was still manageable. Left for the hospital sometime around 3:30, arriving just before 4:00. We were diverted to a different hospital because they were full (kinda a bummer) so I had to do most of my paperwork again while in active labor (frustrating). By the time we got to our room, I was at 7cm. It took four tries to get my IV line in which was a huge pain, but after that was done, I was able to get in the jacuzzi tub. Let me just say.....amazing. I was seriously doubting my ability to make it through the delivery, but once I got in the tub, I felt so much better. Well, not really, but it made it more bearable. Progressed super fast in the tub and started to really feel a lot of pressure. My midwife came in and checked me and told me I was complete and ready to push. I got out of the tub and started pushing. 9 minutes later Nora was here. 5:27 am. Just about 1 1/2 hours after arriving at the hospital. The pushing was super intense and painful, more so than I remember with Aidan and I was a little less calm. It was quick though and I pulled her out and held her immediately. She was super alert and started sucking her thumb almost right away. I feel so blessed that my midwife got to be there for the delivery and so happy she came when she did. Can't believe I made it through another unmedicated delivery, but I am so in love with my baby girl.


  1. Krista, thank you for posting this. I was hoping you would share you labor story soon. It's very encouraging. I hope the pushing part of my labor is that short! Amazing. Great job, and welcome to little Nora!

  2. i love the name NORA! and you look beautiful...i hate you for that. LOL. not really. congratulations!!

  3. Congratulations to you both!!! You did great! She is beautiful.
