Monday, September 20, 2010

We did it!

Today was our first day without Daddy at home. was a success!

I was thrilled that by 8:00 am I had nursed Nora, changed both kids, taken a shower, and started eating breakfast. We also ended up going to MOPS last minute and we made it on time. It was such a pleasant morning. Aidan did great during lunch and we all napped. I was blessed that Aidan took a long nap for once and Nora slept in bed with me, making her little sweet noises the whole time. :) I didn't actually sleep much, but the resting was nice. Dinner was brought to us by some friends from church and we went on a walk to the park afterward. It was a delightful day when all said and done.

Here is a pic of my sweet sleeping princess. She smiles and laughs in her sleep all the time and it is the cutest thing ever!

 Also, here is a pic of my two sweeties. Aidan was reading a book to Nora last night for awhile. He is such a good big brother. As I type this, he is listening to her heart and taking her temperature with his doctor kit. :)


  1. so cute, those two. wish i was there to bring you dinner!

  2. yay! I'm so glad it went smoothly! Nora seems full of sweetness! I hope today and tomorrow and the next day continue to be just as good.
