Friday, September 24, 2010

This is me.

I am a work in progress. Especially when it comes to being a mother.

Some days are just hard. Disobedience is rampant in my home. I feel like I can't deal with things properly and I give into anger and frustration. Then, I feel guilty. I get mad at myself for not running to the Lord and letting him soften my heart and direct me in my discipline tactics. Instead, I get angry and say things that I don't mean to, raise my voice, or throw my hands up in the air.

I wish I was better at surrender. I need the Lord's grace more than ever right now as I deal with sleep deprivation and constant demands. We've been having sleep issues with Aidan recently and it really has been taking its toll on me. I can deal with one little being waking me up, but two kinda puts me over the edge. It's not so much that we have 2 children now, because I don't find that necessarily too difficult. It's just that 2 1/2 year olds are difficult to manage sometimes...especially ours. I love him dearly, but today it is hard to like him.

This is me....being honest. Needing some respite from the craziness of this day. Lord give us all peace and joy amidst the trials....oh, and a little sleep might help too.


  1. You are so sweet to be honest! That is hard to do, especially when it comes to the whole mommy job! You are awesome and I am sure a wonderful mom! We all have those "hard" days even when they are older...we are having sleeping issues with both kids sharing the same room. It is very difficult to get them to nap together. They just want to play and Calvin never seems to care what discipline with give him. Sometimes I just feel like screaming! Anyways, I thought I might share something we are struggling with every day for the last few weeks...sometimes after three or four hours of trying I just give up...NOT fun!

  2. I'm so sorry, Krista. Don't ever feel like you can't share your struggles. It is most important that you don't try to hold it all on your own. I'll pray for you and little Aidan. I'm feeling that exhaustion as well. Oliver is wetting the bed almost every night (he was almost 100% potty trained before Benjamin got here!) and sleep is not as frequent. It sure makes every other detail of the day harder to deal with. Thank you again for sharing your struggles and triumphs.
