Thursday, September 2, 2010

3 centimeters

So, I am dilated to a 3. That's nice. It means nothing, but somehow gives me a peace of mind.

Had an absolutely splendid morning. I decided to go to a garage sale down the street just for fun. And, boy did I hit the jackpot in boy's clothes. I got 16 shirts, 4 pairs of pants/jeans, a cute old navy jacket, 3 set of pj's, and a pair of Nike shoes for Aidan. I spent $12.50. It was amazing! The clothes are in great condition and most all of them are from The Children's Place or Old Navy. I was so thrilled and so blessed by that great surprise of a find. It truly made my day.

Took my little A-man to the library. He was so sweet and fun and we read lots of books.

Midwife appt. went well. Baby is coming soon (that is so relative, but whatev).

Aidan took a 2 1/2 hour  nap today which was totally awesome.

Made a huge pot of potato soup to freeze for after the baby is here. Yummy!

Went to Chick-fil-a with Seth's parents for dinner. Fun treat for us all.

Worked forever on the blanket I am making for baby girl tonight. I was going to post a pic, but I think I will post it tomorrow with (hopefully) a pic of the sweet little diaper cover I am almost finished with. 

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