Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Kansas Trip : Summer 2012

We drove to Kansas June 29th....a whole long 18 hours straight in the car. We left around 6:30am and got in close to midnight. It was a LONG day. I did a lot of prep before this trip so that I would have lots of activities for the kids and also good organization. I will share all of that in another post though.

We arrived late that night and the kids went to sleep around 12, only to wake up at 6am. We couldn't believe it! They were excited to be there, but 6 hours wasn't going to cut it for too long. :)

We spent the first 8 days with Seth's family and had a really nice time. I wish I had taken more pictures, but we spent a lot of time at the pool (it was sooo hot!) and I didn't feel like taking it with us most days. The kids had a blast swimming and being with family.

The husband and I got to go on a few dates while we were there. I made him take some pictures of me the night we went out for Indian food. He bought me this dress for my birthday and I hven't had much of chance to wear it, but I love it!

We tried to beat the heat by doing a few things indoors with the kids too! We went to see a free movie at the Legends one morning and then checked out the Johnson County Museum. They have a free children's exhibit and it was actually really cool. They spent a long time at everything and I couldn't believe that I had never really heard much about it before. 

Nora started feeling sick towards the end of the week and I took her to the doctor where they told me she probably was just dealing with allergies. The very next day (our last day with Seth's family) she woke up from her nap crying hard and saying, "ear hurt." Sure enough, she had an ear infection and the start of pink eye. We started treatment for it right away and thankfully she felt better within a short time and none of us lost much sleep over it.

to be continued...

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