Tuesday, July 24, 2012

22 months


Oh, you are a bright spot in our lives! It is hard to believe that you are soon going to be 2 years old (especially since I am writing this monthly letter 2 weeks late).

You are turning in to a big girl with lots of personality and lots of preferences. You are a great communicator and are putting words into sentences all the time. You say so many funny things and repeat things you hear in that cute little voice that it makes me want to stop and soak it all in because I know soon it will change and you will be talking clearly and carrying on conversations like you've done it all your life.

You are a delight to observe. You play very well and have such a fun little personality. You can keep busy at something for a long time. You love to gather toys and carry them places and you love to get dressed up in hats, carry purses, and put on shoes. We never know what kind of ensemble you will put together!

You love to eat, but are picky about some foods. Your taste for food is more unique and you aren't into eating pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers, or sandwiches. You would prefer hummus, minestrone soup, couscous, or noodles of any kind. You are a juice drinker and really would rather drink juice or milk all day instead of water.

You are a good sleeper and take one good longer nap a day, but can easily skip it and be happy for the day if need be. You usually have a melt down around dinnertime, but you survive. :)

You love to swim. You are affectionate and kind. You love your brother. You are high energy. You smile a lot. You scream a lot too! You love to sing songs and read books. You love your baby dolls. You love stuffed animals (especially bears and monkeys). You are fearless in a lot of ways, but also timid in others. You are outgoing with most people, but give some people "the face." You are pleasant. You love to be outside.

You have started throwing tantrums more and more lately, but you seem to respond well to correction. You like to be consoled and loved on after you receive discipline. I know that the tantrums will probably decrease as better communication occurs.

You love life and we love watching you enjoy it so much. You are a blessing!



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