Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Reflection and Resolution

I have been hesitant to blog as the beginning of the year approached. 2010 was a rough year for me. There were a lot of challenges and changes that pushed me to grow and stretch. I didn't really like it that much.

The year started off with a bang and positive pregnancy test. It was exciting and awesome to think we were going to have another baby. Then, we celebrated 3 years of marriage. First trimester sickness kicked in. Seth started school and was gone A LOT. I was watching Aidan and Oakley all day and battling through the beginning of my pregnancy. Rough. I ate lots of ice cream. I eventually started feeling better. Aidan turned 2. Seth got a job offer at work. We worked hard on our house. Aidan had his first stomach flu. I quit my job watching Oakley. Seth accepted the offer. We planned for our move. Seth was gone 1/2 of August. I landed myself in the hospital with early contractions. We packed. Nora was born after a fast 3 hour labor. We packed some more. We moved. MOVED. We left friends and family behind. Aidan went through really rough patch of acting out. Our house would not sell. We prayed. We lowered our price again and again. Spent Thanksgiving alone. Figuring out life with one car. Making friends. New church. Trusting God. Financial burden of house ever-looming. Christmas with Seth's family. New Year's alone. Waiting. Watching. Thanking God for bring us through and for what He has yet to do in our lives.

So, 2011 is here. Our house has still not sold and we have dropped our price so much that we are swimming against the current. The outlook is not exactly positive, but we are still trusting, growing with the Lord. I look to 2011 and see a lot of impossible, but know that with God all things are possible.

Some goals for me personally....

1)Spend more time in intercession.
2)Faithfully implement a preschool program with Aidan
3)Love my kids and serve them no matter how I feel
4)Be a better spouse
5)Start a ministry for young mothers
6)Potty train Aidan
7)Visit the beach with the kids
8)Get Nora to take a bottle!
9)Read more
10)Develop my sewing skills
11)Blog more
12) Exercise and eat healthy foods to get in pre-children shape
13)Serve more
14)Take a road trip
15)Start a business
16)Spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with family! :)
17)Play/sing with Seth; write songs together
18)Sleep through the night
19)Run a 5k
20)Find a more permanent home for our family here in SC


  1. very ambitious! but you can do those thing...with lots of help from God and your fam & friends. :) can't wait to see what the new year brings for ya'll.

  2. Krista, I can't imagine the pressure you must feel with your house needing to sell! I will definitely pray about that. And, I like your list - I might steal some of your resolutions, they're good :-)

    Also, an old friend of mine asked if I wanted to start working for this company called Thirty-One (they're a faith-based company)- she's a sahm and she has been working there for almost half a year and it has really blessed her family - especially financially. It's basically having little house parties and selling cute handbags, stationary, just a bunch of practical "mom" things that are also super cute. Anyway, I declined because I'm hoping to start tutoring in the spring, but she said to pass her name along to any others who might benefit from a little extra money each month. Should I facebook you her # or email? Just throwing it out there in case!!

  3. For the business goal, you might also check out Scentsy. I've been doing it since Oct. of 09 and it has been a huge blessing for our family-financially, as well as providing something just for mommy and some fun girl time with new friends. :)
