Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thank you...

for all the kind words and encouragement.

Monday was rough. The wonderful words written in response to my struggles uplifted my spirit in so many ways. It is wonderful to feel supported and cared about in the midst of the trials and joys of motherhood. Thank you all for your prayers and for reaching out to me when I needed it most.

It is hard adjusting to a new place and new routine and I know that I'm not the only one in our home trying to figure it out. Going from 1 to 2 kids has actually not been super difficult for me because I had Oakley for almost a year and was really adjusted to the extra work it takes. And Nora, well Nora is an absolute sweetheart. She has her moments, but she is the exact opposite of Aidan as a baby. Hallelujah, praise Jesus! She is just what I prayed for and every way a comfort to my days. Aidan is sweet and hilarious in his own ways, but has reached a peak of naughtiness that I didn't even know was possible. It is the emotional part that is hardest for me. I just get so easily drained by his determination to tear me down.

The past two days have gone relatively well...and the key is that we've spent both mornings out running errands. While it is exhausting to run around with 2 little ones, I find it so much easier (sanity-speaking) to be out and about than cooped up inside. Aidan loves perusing the toy aisles of Target and is a happy companion on most leisurely shopping trips. Today we spent a long time at the library. And Nora, sweet Nora, is most of the time happy and content to just go with the flow. She doesn't sleep much in the mornings...napping off and on, and eating about every 2.5-3 hours. She fusses some, but is easily contented. I am so blessed.

Things are not easy, but I don't expect them to be for a very long time. :) I just know that God gives me strength for each day and I can rely on Him to be all that need in these moments. And He brings me joy through my children when I least expect it.

While at the mall play area yesterday morning, Aidan stood up on the side of this little kiddie boat and loudly announced to all the other kids, "Let's sing together." He then proceeded to clap his hands and act as if he was directing a choir. His choice of song.... "God is good" he sang. And, at that point, I felt His goodness too.