Monday, March 1, 2010

In a fog

I guess I have been in a blog fog. :) I have been meaning to write on here about a million times, but there are so many things that kept getting in the way.

Aidan had another ear infection, the sickness was worse than ever, I was tired, Seth was gone, and life just kept passing me by.

I am 11 weeks pregnant today. Feeling somewhat better pregnancy-wise. I even have felt the baby move already. However, I think I am coming down with some sort of sickness because I just feel crummy today.

Aidan is growing up quickly and talking like crazy. He is also pushing all the limits, getting his 2 year molars (very slowly and painfully) and not napping very well. He still just makes me laugh and smile a lot though...even through my exhaustion.

Seth is on week 2 of being gone every night. He will have a week off after he finishes this week and a full day on Saturday. I am ready for him to be home for a long stretch. It is hard only having him home for a quick hour or so a day. It is hard to get dinner ready and two little ones settled down enough to enjoy that time with him. So happy that he is enjoying his classes though.

I know it may seem like I have a lot of complaining to do. Honestly, that is what I feel like doing a lot. However, I am really trying to push past the feelings I have and really see what there is to be thankful for.

The car needed some work today and we spent some money we weren't planning to, but I am so thankful that I have a car to drive and that I can get out and about when I need to....even if it is a huge hassle to haul two babies around.

I am also so thankful for running water, a comfy bed, a child who is relatively healthy, another precious life being formed in my belly, and that God's grace is sufficient.

To be perfectly honest...I am thankful, but I do need some major encouragement right now. I don't know if it is the pregnancy hormones or what, but I feel a little worn and overwhelmed. I know the right attitude to have and I know that God is taking care of me...I just feel like I am going to fall apart at times.

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