Tuesday, March 23, 2010

20 pounds of brown sugar!

 Oh Marilla Cuthbert, I feel ya!

Seth brought home 14 pounds of chicken tonight. I already bought like 6 pounds of chicken the other day and was only wanting 2 more or so. He got a little confused. I just covered my face and laughed. We will not be starving in the Simmons household, that is for sure!

On another note....today was absolutely gorgeous and I happily took the boys on two walks to the park, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I wore flip flops. Aidan had on shorts. He slid down the slide face first for the first time. It was totally cute.

I am feeling a lot better lately....well, besides a little recurring bout of morning sickness and some extra tiredness thrown in there.

Thanking the Lord for a beautiful day, even though I got a little more than I bargained for. :)

P.S. I am going to be posting about our dinner each night this week (starting tomorrow) with pictures and recipes....so stay tuned!
And thanks for following!


  1. I just watched Anne of Avonlea the other day!

    Can't wait to see your recipes. I'm dying for some new ideas.

  2. (love the Anne reference!!)

    I also can't wait for recipe posts. I love pictures of good food :-)

    Glad to hear you are feeling better, too. God is good!
