Monday, March 15, 2010

No real reason

This post is absolutely undirected. I have nothing specific to say other than I have been very, very sick and it has completely kept me from feeling alive for the past several days. I am hoping that I am on the road to recovery, but still not doing great yet.

I am 13 weeks pregnant today. I can't believe how fast time has flown. The baby belly is definitely sticking out there a little bit and is much higher than it was with Aidan. I had a good visit with my midwife last week and got to hear the little one's heartbeat. I've only gained 1 pound so far which is absolutely great because I tend to gain a ton of weight in my second trimester.

Aidan is doing the funniest things as always and I can't believe he'll be 2 in just a couple weeks. Wow! He is talking more and more every day. He was looking through the clothes in my closet the other day and started saying, "tute, tute" (cute) as he touched my shirts. I don't even know where he learns these things! The very best thing he recently said was " I love you, ma-ma" one night when I was feeling very yucky and lying in bed. I nearly started crying.

I am trying to get things in order here at the house. Seth is in class this week, my brother and his family are coming up to visit Thurs.-Sun.,  and we are keeping some JBU choir students on Saturday night. I am going to be busy these nights with Seth gone.

And right now, I am going to go take a nap while I can. I didn't have Oakley today and Aidan's sleeping, so I am taking advantage of the quiet house.

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