Thursday, April 7, 2011

I'm a mothering pro

Okay, so the title of this post is just to make me feel better.

My day has been hilariously crazy, but just one of those reminders that my life really should be a reality tv show so that more people can benefit from the ridiculous situations I find myself in.

I got a book from the library the other night titled, I Didn't Plan to Be a Witch: And Other Surprises of A Joyful Mother. It is perfect...I skipped to the chapter titled "Toddlers are Horrible and Adorable" for a delightful read before bed last night. And then I lived it out today. :)

So, Nora is on this horrible antibiotic called Augmentin for her ear infections. I hate this medicine. Aidan took it before, so I knew to expect some horribleness from it. And horribleness is indeed correct. Yesterday, as I was putting Nora in the stroller for a walk, I thought she had baby food on her I picked her up to inspect. Then I noticed my shirt was covered in the same substance (any guesses what that could be?). She had 4 "episodes" in 45 minutes. Then she recovered for a couple hours before going all over her daddy at the grocery store. Fun fun fun.

Anyway, today was my mom's group and I didn't want to miss it. Mostly because it is the chance to get a little break from Aidan. So we went, diarrhea baby and all. To do so, we had to first take Seth to work which always proves to be a huge ordeal. When we arrived at the church, Nora was doing great. I was feeling on top of it all. Dropped Aidan off at class, kept the little one with me. She had a little bathroom issue in the middle of the group, but I caught it quickly and we were spared any major mess. After my group was over, I needed to finish up the grocery shopping that got stalled due to Nora's bathroom issues last night. We made it to Wal-mart and Aidan started fussing for food. I handed him a container of apple sauce to keep him busy while I got a cart and got Nora situated. I came back with the cart and realized that Nora had a huge explosion while on the short drive to the store. It was all over her clothes. I scooped her up and placed her on a plastic bag. During this time, I noticed that Aidan had started eating his apple sauce with his hands...both of them. He had apple sauce all over his clothes, face, and car seat. So the poopy one sat and waited while I cleaned Aidan up and got them inside. When we arrived in the restroom, Aidan announced his sudden need to use the facilities....and not just quickly either. I had a major crappy situation on my hand (if you get my usage of the word). I hurriedly took him to the bathroom, but the toilet automatically flushed as he was sitting there and scared him to death...and then Nora started crying too. Poor little thing was still sitting there in her poopy clothes, just waiting to be cleaned up. I went ahead and got her all cleaned up and changed and we went and shopped for our groceries. Neither of the kids were particularly easy going after that whole thing and we were all tired and hungry.

Here is the icing on the cake: When we got out to the car there was a wasp swarming around it. Seriously? I kept shooing it away and trying to get the kids in their seats. It was rather silly. Then, when we got home, I noticed that a certain someone had left 2 frozen pizzas in the trunk from last night's grocery run. Ruined pizzas...not cool, but I still love my husband.

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