Monday, April 4, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Aidan


To the boy who made me a mother 3 years ago...

There is so much I could say about you. You have been my greatest challenge and greatest joy all wrapped up in one big package. I look back at pictures of you as a newborn and can't even remember those first few days with you, much less, that first year. You required so much of me, and still do, but I know that every last bit of it is worth it. You are a strong-willed energetic little bullet. I don't know what to do with you half the time. Keeping you entertained is a tall order, but I have learned a lot about how you think and have started to welcome your foreign personality with open arms. You make me laugh...a lot. You are such an observer and so full of questions that I wish I could sit and listen to you jabber all day. You test me, you push me, but you love me and that makes it so lovely to be your mother. You are still a diligent thumb-sucker (at night) and a good sleeper. You love to eat (i.e. "snack"), but you are a picky one. You have embraced the newness of South Carolina and this somewhat transitional/stressful time period with such willingness and happiness that I have been impressed. You welcome new faces and situations without a single pause to consider if you should be hesitant or concerned. You are sometimes a little too welcoming and can't seem to give people space to breathe. You definitely don't know a stranger. Your passion for life is evident every day. You are full of fun and excitement, but can change on a dime to dramatic outbursts and elaborate tearful pleas. You like to be in charge and, unfortunately for you, that is not how this life is going to go for you right now. You seem to forget that most days, but I am always faithful to remind you. :)

I love you so much and I can't wait to see what God has in store for your life. I can tell that you are going to do big things with your life and I only hope that I can foster and encourage those things as you grow. Thank you for letting me "practice" on you.

I love you,


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