Sunday, October 31, 2010


We are still far from settled here in South Carolina, but things are coming together. There are a lot of changes for us, but we've been enjoying the new experiences with our small family. We've had lots of time together and have been able to focus a lot of attention on the kids. It is nice not having to pack every night or send Aidan off to the grandparent's to be out of our way. We've had lots of dance parties to music, walks outside, and trips to the grocery store. We are making new memories for sure.

Nora is sleeping some in the evenings...still takes her some time to get settled, but it is nice to have some time with both kids asleep. I just started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and am hoping to get back in shape again. I woke this morning with aching muscles, so that was a good sign. :) I've been crafting some too. Just finished a cute little newborn newsie hat...needs a couple finishing touches, but I'll post a pic soon. I am working towards building an Etsy shop soon. Oh, and Nora is now on a 3 hour schedule during the day and waking only once in the night to eat. I have not been sleeping as well due to her being moved back into our room since the move, but I am sure a long night's sleep is in my near future.


  1. so you have like 2lbs to shed? you were so tiny!

  2. Happy to hear of your joy as a family....
