Thursday, October 14, 2010


I am ready for a new normal. Or just a normal.

Life has been a little crazy over here lately.

Nora had a upset tummy last night and was awake from 7-12:30am. The poor thing just wanted to be held and she would not go to sleep. I think she is sensitive to a few things in my diet and I'm having to adjust to that so she doesn't have so much gas. Anyway, so I was up late, then up in early morning hours to feed her, then Aidan was up super early announcing a dirty diaper and a need for "bitacins" (vitamins). I was exhausted at the start of the day. Nora was completely off her schedule and Aidan was incredibly naughty. I did get a lot of packing done though, thanks to my mom and mom-in-law.

The house is still on the market and we've reduced our price several times now trying to get more showings. It is hard to be in limbo with that whole thing, but I am still trusting God to help us sell it soon. I would love to have an offer by the time we leave, but that is about 10 days away, so we'll see what happens.

I am ready to be in South Carolina. Not ready to leave family, but ready to be done trying to pack my house with a toddler and newborn. I am ready to embrace the newness of this chapter in life and start the adjustment period with my children. I am not ready to be sad. To miss friends. To learn a new city. But I know that there will be good and bad all mixed in together.

Today of all days, Nora smiled at me...twice. And it made the day seem so much brighter...and gave me such hope for the future.

1 comment:

  1. ugggg....that is so rough. please tell me someone will be up there with you to unpack. that is also pretty challenging.
