Thursday, July 1, 2010

Loving being a Stay at Home Mom

Don't tell my husband, but I love staying at home. I've just discovered this in the last few weeks now that I only have Aidan under my charge and summer is upon us. Ask me again in the winter and I might have a different story for ya.

Today I took my time getting ready while Aidan ate breakfast and watched his morning t.v. We took his bike over to a church to ride around in their gym and then headed over to my in-law's for some swimming time. Aidan went down for a nap there and I sat out at the pool with my mother in law for 2 hours. We picked up pizza on the way home and  spent some time with Daddy before he left for class. I would have to say that getting a great sunburn, eating some yummy (although somewhat unhealthy) food, and spending time with my little guy is about the best day ever. I love summer and I love my job!

Aidan has a fever and is cutting his last molar, but is still being the sweetest ever. Just two more nights of Daddy gone and he'll be home with us every night! So happy!

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