Wednesday, July 14, 2010


There is a reason that I heard a message on casting my cares on the Lord the other night.

The last 2 days have been rather crazy/stressful. Who knew trying to figure out a major move across the country in the last few months of pregnancy could be so nuts?

Things I know:

I am 7 months pregnant.

I am trying to get things together for a garage sale this weekend in crazy hot temperatures.

We are meeting with our realtor today to determine some things before we list our house.

The thought of putting our house on the market makes me crazy.

Getting the house ready to be on the market makes me crazier.

I am a nesting fanatic.

Getting ready for this baby is the last thing on my list right now.

I am going to be in South Carolina in one week trying to figure out our housing situation.

Things I don't know:

How all these silly little logistical things are going to work out.

If Seth's company is going to meet our expectations for assistance.

If this is way too crazy.

If are house is going to sell within the right time frame.

It is a good thing that my God is bigger than all these things...things I know and things I don't know. I'm struggling with the craziness of this life right now. Trying not to lose my cool. Working so hard every day for something that I am so unsure of, but knowing that trusting is all I can do.

I will trust that Your plans are far greater than what I can even begin to conceive for myself.


  1. you are right, God is bigger than your "mess". everytime! crazy how it will all work out...

  2. yikes! scary, big stuff happening! You can do it, Krista!! Praying for you!
