Monday, September 12, 2011

One. Wow.


My dear baby girl, you are now one year old. A walking, gibberish talking, snack eating, peek-a-boo playing, one year old.

You are such a cutie patootie. You are jabbering more and more now and have the sweetest little voice. You can say, "mama", "dada", tasha, baby, bath, hi, bye, Aidan, and "peek-a-boo". You like to play peek-a-boo by covering your ears and saying peek-a-boo to us. It is so cute. 

You are a great walker. You started walking just a little bit after you turned 11 months and now are doing such a great job. You really like to wear shoes and you love to go outside and play. You have worn holes in shoes from running down the street in your walker. You spend most of your day walking around inside though...and carrying things. You love to have a snack cup in hand and as I write this you have one in each hand. If you don't have a snack you usually have a baby or stuffed animal, or two babies in your arms. You never seem to be empty handed. You love to put things in odd places. For instance, I found my wallet today with the dishtowels and you love putting magnets under the stove or in the cabinets. 

You are an excellent eater for the most part although you have decided to be a little more picky about eating your veggies. You love fruit, especially  mangoes and grapes. Your faovrite snacks are Cheerios, puffs, rice cakes, and crackers. You also love popsicles and smoothies. You devoured your entire cupcake at your birthday party and really know how to cram the food in. You are still nursing about 3 times a day and sometimes at night when you wake and are inconsolable. You do drink almond milk in a sippy cup during the day now too. 

You are such a delight and add such joy to our lives. What a wonderful first year!



1 comment:

  1. cuteness overload!! happy birthday little Nora! A good day to be born ;-)
