Monday, November 16, 2009

Funny Aidan Stories

Aidan has been doing some hilarious things lately and I wanted to write them down so I won't forget:

1: Setting out the changing mat, getting the wipes out, lying on the mat, and wiping himself.

2: Sitting in the exersaucer for 30 min. and playing (at 19 months!). Crazy child!

3:Putting his blanket on his head and walking around the house, bumping into things and laughing hysterically about it.

4:Always saying, "Library" when we drive by our local library.

5:Saying, "Ma-ma, bubbles!" and then taking my shampoo and conditioner out of the bathroom and hiding them. When I asked him where they were, he just gave me a blank look.

6:Hiding behind the wall as if playing peek-a-boo.

7: Singing along with music in the car.... "aahhhh, ahhh, ahhhh"

8: Saying, "didi, didi" and rocking back and forth when a song finishes or begins. We still have no clue what this means.

9:Helping me make the bed by picking up the pillows and saying, "thank you" when he hands them to me.

10: Going up to an antibacterial foam dispenser all by himself and getting some "bubbles" and rubbing his hands together.

11: Saying, "Mamen" at the end of prayer time.

12: Jabbering all the time in some weird language that totally only makes sense to him.

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