Monday, August 25, 2008

A day in the life...

Here is our day today. An unbelievably pleasant one.

5:58: Wake to Seth's alarm going off. Amazed that Aidan did not wake up in the middle of the night like he has been for the past 2 weeks.

6:57: Aidan wakes up. Yeah for him.

7:00 Nurse Aidan.

7:30: Pump, watch the news, let Aidan play on the floor.

7:50: Out the door for our morning walk.

8:20: Inside again and Aidan down for a nap.

8:20-9:00: Shower for me, time with the Lord, laundry started.

9:20: Aidan wakes up from his nap talking.

9:30-10:00: Bottle then cereal and banana for Aidan.

10:00-10:30: Poopy diaper change, bathtime for Aidan, Aidan down for nap.

10:30-11:15: More laundry stuff. Computer time.

11:15: Aidan wakes and fusses, but goes back to sleep.

11:15-1:00: Finish getting ready for the day, eat lunch, pump, make grocery list and menu plan, read Mere Christianity.

1:00: Aidan wakes up and drinks a bottle.

1:45: Out the door to go to Wal-mart.

2:45: Back home from the store, Aidan down for a nap.

2:45-3:45: Laundry, pump, get ready for work, eat a snack, leave for work.

The rest of the day will look something like this...

4:00-5:30: Work

5:45: Come home, leave for Seth's parent's house.

6:00-8:00: Time with Seth's family.

8:00: Aidan down for the night.....Time to relax before bedtime.

A wonderful day.

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