Friday, June 6, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Hands

Well, apparently, I am a pretty lame blogger these days as my last post was last Friday's FMF. But, I am trying.

Linking up again for Five Minute Friday. Taking just 5 minutes to write, raw and unedited. Feel free to join in on this fun challenge.

Today's word: HANDS

Strong hands, calluses on the fingertips from playing guitar, that scar on the thumb from a our honeymoon ski trip where you gave me your gloves and then fell and cut yourself with your skis, the veins on the tops of the hands that stick out from all the use, the hands that play the piano with ease, that rub my sore shoulders, and hold on to me when I need it most.

Those 6 year old hands, finally losing the baby chubbiness, pulling apart Legos, holding a pencil, dirty fingernails from digging for bugs in the backyard, still holding on to me when we cross a street.

The 3 year old chubby fingers, fingernails painted pink, washing hands in the sink, plunking away on the piano, grasping a brush to comb your hair, buttoning buttons with such focus.

Tiny chubby baby hands, a sore spot from thumb sucking, clapping together, signing "all done," discovering everything, pulling open drawers, touching, touching, touching.

8 hands to hold, different shapes and sizes, some pull away, some hold tight....I am so blessed.


  1. What a beautiful reminder of the blessings we have in our families! Visiting from FMF! :)

  2. It's always so sad when they pull away, but such a beautiful gift when they hold tight. Lovely post. (And your matching outfits are so cute!!)

  3. Hello! Visiting here from FMF...
    I'm new to it, so this great - reading your post and others...meeting new faces, etc.

    Beautiful post. I also have 8 hands to hold and your words are very true, Very relatable. I like having this perspective you gave.

    Nice meeting you -
    ~Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered

  4. Stopping by from FMF- so glad! I enjoyed this post!! 10 hands to hold in my house... wishing God gave mommy a bunch of extra hands so I could hold everyone at one time :)
