Sunday, June 29, 2014

Enna- 11 months


My dear, you are just about 2.5 weeks shy of one year and it kills me to think that my baby is indeed growing up. That being said, you are so much fun right now!

You are saying a few words now: Mama, Dada, bath (ba or da), uh-oh, hi, and night-night (na na). You make lots of noises for different phrases and repeat sounds that we make. You wave goodbye, sign all done, and love to makes "indian" noises.

You are standing alone for a few seconds, but still unstable. You have yet to take any steps on your own, but are a crawling machine. Definitely taking your time in this area.

You squeal and scream and love to be heard. You are opinionated and don't like it when toys get taken from you. You don't like getting dressed or diaper changed when you are tired or hungry. And it is a toss up on bedtime...sometimes you want your bed and other nights you decided that bed is the absolute last place you want to be. You keep us on our toes for sure!

You are pretty flexible and are a late-nighter. You started sleeping great after we had a ton of late activities, keeping you up past your bedtime. You sleep long in the morning and love to nap for a couple hours or more for your first nap. Still taking two good naps a day most days.

After a few weeks of sleeping all night, you developed a virus (Roseola) and were sick for an entire week. That being said, you developed a love for waking often again, but I am hoping that it will be short-lived.

You are super easy to take places and stay contentedly in your stroller for long periods of time. You love to observe and don't fuss much unless you see Mommy.

Your thumb sucking is still just about the cutest thing about you ever. You suck your thumb and hold your ear and it is so sweet. I know it is going to be hard to break the habit, but for now it is so super cute.

You have 8 teeth and more almost breaking through. Teething is no fun for you, but that isn't really a surprise.

You are a joy and a sweetheart!

Love, Mama

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