Friday, March 1, 2013

Pregnancy: 3rd time around

So, I'm hoping my 3rd child will forgive me for being lame when it comes to documenting this pregnancy or taking pictures...and decent ones at that. :)

I am currently about 19.5 weeks pregnant. We have an ultrasound on the 7th and should probably find out the gender.

This pregnancy has been weird for me. I have felt AWFUL, which is starting to subside although I have nausea here and there. I have felt like I have been living in a black hole of "existing" for several months and am now feeling like a normal (though pregnant) person again.

I DO NOT hardly ever feel this baby move. It was alarming at first because I felt my other 2 earlier than average (Nora we felt from the outside by 16 weeks). I found out that my placenta is in the front and blocking all the jabs and kicks for now. I do feel reassuring kicks every once in awhile.

I am sleeping better...HALLELUJAH! And, am not desperate for naps every day. I have gotten some energy back which is good because we have a lot of stairs in our new house and I am constantly going up and down with a 30 lb. toddler on my hips that needs to be held 24/7.

Here's hoping for an uneventful and relatively easy 2nd half of pregnancy. :)

 17.5 weeks
19.5 weeks

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