Thursday, May 29, 2014

Enna Rhys-10 months

Dear Enna,

Well, it is evident that you are indeed a third child as this letter is 11 days late. Yep, 11. But, better late than not at all, right? And I love you just the same either way.

What a month! You are finally crawling on hands and knees, pulling up to stand, walking along things, wanting to walk holding our hands, and standing alone every once in awhile. Your development is starting to really take off and it is so much fun to watch you learning new things. The only down side is that you are at that really wiggly, don't want to be held, but don't want to be put down stage. So, enjoying social activities with you is getting a lot harder.

You are eating well. You are still a little timid about self feeding, or it just gets old and you give up after a few bites. You aren't the eating enthusiast that your sister was, that's for sure. You still love purees and it's simple enough, so I do that a lot. Your favorite food is yogurt though. You LOVE yogurt....and peas. You have had a lot more gagging and choking lately, but I think it is just coinciding with the nasty cold you have had and all the phlegm in your throat because you have had a lot of trouble with finger foods lately. Oh, and you have pretty much given up eating crackers and puffs. I am hoping it is just because you are teething because snacks were my ticket to getting dinner started. You are still nursing about 5-7 times a day. Yes, no signs of weaning here.

You nap well. And I honestly can't believe I am writing that after all the nap drama we had with you for so long. Two good naps a day that usually last 1.5-2 hours. I am in love with your naps because it is the only time of day I can potentially get anything done. I say potentially because your two siblings also like to use that time to eat up all my attention (which is okay, as long as it isn't being eaten up by breaking up fights between them).

You say da-da and ma-ma all the time, but not directly at us. You seem to know the difference and repeat them when we say them. You also say na-na (for night night) and wave your hands all done when I say it. You started clapping a few days ago which is super cute and know the word for clap because your two little hands smack together when I say it. So cute! You seem to understand a lot of things and I get excited to communicate more with you as your language starts to develop.

You love baby dolls--hugging them and patting them. It is seriously the most precious thing ever. You like to be outside. You don't like to be left by anyone. You prefer Mommy over pretty much everyone. You love your thumb. You hold your ear when you suck your thumb which is pretty sweet. You like your bed. You don't like hugs. You don't like toys being taken from you. You like to scream just to scream. You love when you see everyone in the morning. You love baths and nearly fall in the tub if we don't get you undressed fast enough. You don't like bike helmets. You like to be held a lot. You sometimes bite me and think it is funny. You love to go places where there are lots of people. You smile at strangers. You are a squealer when you are excited. You love to "bounce" on the trampoline. You love getting into anything that seems remotely off limits. You love music.

You are a sweet gift from the Lord. You are so loved and enjoyed in this household.



P.S. You still don't sleep through the night. Can we figure this out soon, please? Mama is tired.

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