Saturday, February 22, 2014

7 months


You are so sweet right now and I can't get enough of you! Could we just pause you right here for an eternity? 

You are not mobile yet, but want to go places. I am thrilled that you are staying put for now. You are sitting up, but still not consistently, so I always have to put a pillow behind you for those random falling over moments. 

You still just have 2 teeth, but the top 4 are nearly breaking through. I am assuming by next month you will have 4-6. 

Even though you were the earliest to get teeth, your eating habits are a little bit slower to develop. You nurse about 6-7 times a day and then eat solids about 2 times a day. You are hit and miss with the solid food, but are doing better. You like eating little puffs, but don't want to pick them up and put them in your mouth on your own. Your sister usually helps you out on that one. 

You are still a relatively good sleeper although your nearly emerging teeth have led to both nap and nighttime sleep disruption. You are waking 1-2 times a night to eat. You dropped that 3rd nap about a week or so ago and now just take 2 a day, leaving you up for the last 4-5 hours of the day. You hardly make it to a 7:00 bedtime. 

You are so happy. You rarely cry unless you get hurt or are hungry. You started screaming about going down for naps, but only for a few seconds. You giggle, you scream, you babble, and everyone loves you.

The biggest accomplishments this month were taking a bottle for the first time and reaching out your arms for us. LOVE LOVE LOVE. I was thrilled when you took a bottle from me, gulping it down like you have never refused before. What newfound freedom I have found! Though I prefer to nurse you, it's been nice knowing I can make plans and you will take a bottle from someone else or go to bed for Daddy. The arms reaching out are just too stinkin cute. You mostly reach for me, but also will go happily to other people. But Mama is your favorite...and that is okay with me!

We love your easy going nature and the fun you bring to our lives. You are loved Enna Rhys!


6 month, 1week stats: 16 lbs. 6 oz. and 26.5 in.

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