Wednesday, March 21, 2012

18 months


You are so much fun. I have been so blessed to have you for a daughter and you bring such delight to our family.

You are...talking all the time. You repeat everything and are a great communicator. My favorite words: vitamins, oatmeal, no (just because you started saying it all the time when you meant "yes"), yes (just figured that one out), oh man! (LOVE hearing you say this), water (you say it wa-wer), rock, book, duck, bucket (sounds like "buppet") and Mommy (your new name for me). 

You love to play! You gather and carry things around. You love purses ("bags") and pushing things in the doll stroller or shopping cart. You also love carrying around buckets and putting all sorts of odds and ends in them. I love to see what you choose to put in your bags and buckets because it helps me see such personality in you.

You were weaned this month, but not by your choosing. After the stomach bug that hit our family and Mommy going away for the weekend, you were cut off cold turkey from your greatest love in life. But, you survived. We all did. There were some tears and protests, difficult naptimes, and maybe some screams, but you got over it after a week or so. You still loved to be rocked and ask to rock before nap and bed. I love that you let me rock you to sleep still without needing to nurse because that was one thing I wasn't ready to give up. 

You have become obsessed with books. You love to look at them and say, "read book" a lot. You also want to sleep with them. You would probably sleep with lots of things if we let you, but usually it is just books, babies, your stuffed dog, blankies, and a cup. You wanted to take your bucket to bed the other night, but I hid it from you when you weren't looking. 

You do not like any form of water unless it is in the bathtub. We discovered this on our trip to Myrtle Beach. You did not want anything to do with the ocean or pools. If we even suggested to you to walk towards the water you gathered your things and took off the other direction. Not even kidding.

You are a very organized girl. You stack things, you have processes for playing, you  make sure you get your diaper bag before I pick you up at the nursery. You are going to be a lot of help to me when you get older and I can't wait to see that little personality develop. 

Nora, you are a joy. That is what I most often say about you. You make us laugh on a regular basis and your smile is so contagious. You love us all so much and my heart is so full.



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