Saturday, November 12, 2011

14 months


You are turning into more of toddler than a baby these days. This past month was a big one for you in many areas of development.

You are a communicator. You are constantly adding words to your vocabulary and use lots of hand gestures to let us know what you want/need. Your newest words are: keys, pumpkin, go, sit, Jack (a dog), kitty, "ee ee" (monkey), candy (thank you halloween), drink, ice, all done, night night, book, and many more. You also nod yes and no when we ask you questions. You understand everything. I can say, "Do you want to push your baby in the stroller?" and you will find your baby and then look for your stroller and start pushing it. Or, "Go give this to so and so" and you do. You follow instructions very well and seem to respond well to "no" and "come." You definitely cry and scream when we say "no" to something you want to do, but you usually stop doing what you are doing. You also can point to your nose, teeth,  and toes.

You still are a busybody and love to play. When you are feeling well (which you haven't been as much lately) you are so happy to play alone and explore.

You love snacks. Your new favorites are raisins and apple sauce. You are generally a good eater, but again, not so good at it when you aren't feeling well. You also love to feed yourself. You eat much better if we give you a spoon and you do a pretty good job at getting it into your mouth. I usually just give you your food and know that you will sit and eat until you are done.

You've had a nasty cold, ear infection, and molars pushing through which has led to a lot of sleepless nights and fussiness this month. You are sleeping well when you feel good and that has been a relief to this tired momma.

Your favorite things right now are: bathtime, playing outside, riding with Aidan on his "car", riding on the rocking horse, sliding down the slide, babies, eating snacks, dropping Aidan off at preschool, going to the library, animals, cuddling, rocking, nursing, music, and dancing.

You do not like: riding in the car, being hungry, being bothered by your brother, getting your diaper changed, being told "no", sitting in the stroller, and putting yourself to sleep.

We are still nursing 3 times a day and sometimes more. You don't seem ready to quit and I am still nursing you to sleep at naptime and bedtime most nights. You are learning to go to bed without nursing if need be, so that's been helpful.

You are so much fun and add such a sweetness to our family. We love your scrunchy face smiles, your silly dances, your giggles, the way you lay your head on our shoulders, the hugs you give, the way you love your brother, and so much more.

You are loved.


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