Friday, December 10, 2010

3 months


How in the world are you already 3 months old? I am so amazed at how fast you are growing. We went to your 2 month appt. a week late and you weighed in at 12lbs. 3oz. (5 lbs. gained since birth) and 23.5 inches (4 in. since birth). I am sure you are even bigger now because you are growing out of some of your 3 month clothes and will be wearing 6 month stuff soon. You are so long and you have the best rolls on your arms and legs. Oh, and did I mention you like to eat?
You are still not sleeping super predictably at night yet. You went through a growth spurt this month and were up eating every 2-3 hours. Mommy was not a fan. But, now you are settled back into going about 8-9 hours at night. You don't have a set bedtime because you will sometimes be up partying till late and then go to bed early the next are happy to just do whatever you need to do. I like this about you most of the time, but wish that we could get you to bed earlier still...I know you will get there sometime.
You still take a really long nap in the afternoon. I usually let you sleep abut 3.5 hours, but you almost always want to sleep longer. You take abouty 3-4 naps a day and your waketime varies. Sometimes you are happy to be awake for 2 hours at a time while other times you need to sleep sooner than that. You will not take a pacifier at all anymore and you really don't like the bottle either. You have a hard time settling down for naps when we are at home so you often get riled up and cry pretty hard and then I pat your little bottom and you fall right to sleep. I don't understand this little routine you have, but it makes me laugh and you are so cute when you go from mad to fast asleep in a matter of seconds.
You are truly the most content little baby ever. You love to sit in your bouncer and you kick like crazy when you are in it. You can sit somewhere for a long period of time and if you are fussy you are usually content to just sit in a lap or sit near us, so that you can see our faces. You are very comforted by the presence of Mommy and Daddy.
You have the cutest scrunchy nose smile and you started laughing this month (Dec.1). You love to interact with us and talk and I can tell you are going to be a social little thing.
You have surpassed all my hopes and expectations these first 3 months and I have been so blessed by you. You love to nurse and cuddle and you bring me so much comfort at times it is overwhelming. I am so excited to see the person you will become and I love watching you begin to notice your little world.
Nora, you are a joy.

I love you,

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