Monday, October 6, 2008

6 months

On Saturday, Aidan was 6 months old. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. We celebrated by going to First Watch for brunch--just the 3 of us. Aidan was a perfect angel and loved sitting in a highchair for the first time. I have a special cover with toys on it that he played with the whole time. I mashed up some avacado and would give him bites intermittedly as he watched everyone with intense curiosity. We spent the afternoon at home and then went over to Seth's parent's house for dinner. Aidan was a delight and went to bed without a fuss in his pack n play(I love those things!). Aidan is now sitting up without needing much support. He loves to lunge forward and land on his belly. He is really frustrated that he cannot move forward and wants to crawl, but doesn't quite get the concept yet. He has a new laugh that is awkward and cute and comes out more like a cough than a laugh. He does this all the time to get attention and we can't help giving it to him. He loves when Seth sings and plays the guitar and especially when we say his name. He gets so excited that he will get really quiet and then let out a piercing squeal. He is very happy playing with toys and is very curious about everything. He is starting to develop "favorites" and it is really cute to see how he knows what he wants. He loves to cuddle in bed with us and loves to eat. I love this stage!

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