Friday, March 4, 2011

Long time

It's been awhile since I've written anything. Life has been busy, busy, busy.

Here's the rundown....

I started my new job at The Limited last night. It went pretty well and I work tomorrow afternoon again. My feet were killing me from wearing heels for like 5 hours straight and I didn't get to pump beforehand which wasn't cool either, but I survived. The kids did fine too and Nora was waiting for me to get home before she went to bed, but she was still a happy camper.

We booked flights to Kansas for March 14th. We will be there through the 30th. Seth flies back on the 23rd, so I am going to be solo on the flights home with the kids. I know this is going to be hard and that there is almost nothing I can do to prepare for it.

Aidan turns 3 in just one month from today and I need to start planning what we are going to do to celebrate.

I started crafting again and have about a million little projects on my "to do" list.

Nora is starting to get mobile. She isn't crawling, but she pulls up on her knees and scoots around. She is excellent at rolling...oh, and licking the carpet when we aren't watching (ewww!).

My husband is awesome. Our relationship has been incredible lately.

Oh, and my apartment is a constant mess and our house has still not sold. Nothing new there. :)

Signing off til next time friends!

1 comment:

  1. glad for the update!

    and the limited...look at you! don't spend your paycheck there. :)
