Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Unplugged Play

Found an awesome resource at the library last night: Unplugged Play. After two horrific days at home, I was relieved to find a book that has such great ideas for imaginary play.

Here is Aidan playing with his "grocery store":

I made some imaginary money, found some old gift cards to be used as credit cards, grabbed some food from the pantry and dumped it in a basket, set up his cash register, and grabbed a bag for him to put his purchases in...he's totally into it.
We also set up a doctor's office on our couch. All his stuffed animals are visiting the doctor and even getting stickers for being brave and getting their shots.
And guess what I am doing.... :)

I'm actually sitting near him and making a menu plan...and taking a little break to blog.

1 comment:

  1. Your kiddos are adorable! :)

    I just found your blog and became a follower! :) I love your blog! Erin
