Monday, April 11, 2011

7 months

Sweet little girl,

You are 7 months old now. And crawling. And playing. And laughing. Oh my word. Love it!

This month has been quite interesting. You got 2 little teeth right as you turned 6 months and they are now very prominent and absolutely adorable. You love eating puffs, mum mums, teething biscuits, and food. You eat 3 little meals a day and nurse frequently still. I think you are going to be hard to wean, but you absolutely love nursing. You still won't take a bottle or really much from a sippy cup, but you love drinking water out of a regular cup and are quite good at it too!

You are still struggling to get the sleeping down. You dropped your 3rd nap which has actually been wonderful for us because you go to bed at a reasonable time now (8-8:30). You do fine during the day taking good naps, but nighttime is still difficult. You had a lot of sleep issues while we were away in Kansas and have had ear infections, colds, and tummy issues from taking antibiotics. You were waking about every 2 hours while in KS, but slept straight through the night when we got home for 2 nights, and then were up again every 2 hours with more sickness. Now that you are feeling better you are are starting to sleep all night (after I dreamfeed you around 11-11:30) or waking up just once. I can deal with that over 2 hours any day, but I would love for you to consistently sleep through the night by next month at least. You now weigh 16lbs. 11oz. and are 26.5 inches long. Definitely getting enough to you can last long at night.

You still enjoy playing and are so content when awake. Your favorite toy right now is your baby doll. You love to eat her hands and feet and just laugh at her. It is so cute. You are crawling already, and are pretty good at it too. You will sit for a long time though, playing with toys in one place until you remember your ability to be mobile. I love to watch how you explore, with such sweet little touches and inquisitive looks. You are such a little girl and such a contrast to your brother, that I am in absolute awe sometimes. You also started reaching for us this month. I cannot tell you how wonderful this feels. You love to cuddle and be comforted. And I love when you reach out to me. You love to rock in my arms when nursing and you always grab tightly to my shirt.

You love your brother....when he isn't antagonizing you. You are always watching him intently and laughing at him a lot, especially after you just wake from your nap. I love watching how you interact and can't wait to see how that relationship develops.

You have had 2 ear infections this month and it was really rough. You had just one ear infected the first time, and then just barely 2 weeks later both ears were severely infected. You have been on a rough round of antibiotics that have been a shock to your digestive system and it has been so hard to see you struggling with such discomfort.

This month we spent 16 days in Kansas with grandparents. You were an excellent traveler and a pleasant little baby even though you were sick part of the time we were there. You were so warm and sweet with all the new faces and you seemed to adapt to the new surroundings and activities very well. I do so love your flexibility.

My sweet sweet Nora, I continue to be amazed at how much joy you bring to our entire household. You make life just so much sweeter and are such a light in our lives. I am so blessed to have so many precious moments cuddling with you and I am savoring all the memories of you at this sweet stage because I know it will only continue to fly by. 

I love you,


1 comment:

  1. Nora is one of the cutest little ladies I have ever seen! Thank you so much for your kind words, it's so easy to feel alone in this motherhood game! I'm feeling better today, I think I just got a new batch of nursing hormones yesterday and was extra touchy! :) Hope all is well with you guys!
