Thursday, April 21, 2011

So He Says...

While Nora was babbling in the car, Aidan informed us that "she's talking about the circus."

While sitting at lunch, he said, "I am a green ostrich and I am going to eat your bicycle."

More funnies:

"I am a bad king because I have a sword in my garage. I am going to use my remote to go get it."

"I'm going to nip you in the bud." (from Backyardigans)

"I'm the master of the skys." (supposed to be 'master of disguise')


  1. Soooo funny/cute! There's nothing like a glimpse into the minds of little people :-)

  2. Oh my gosh, Krista, those are hilarious. Your little man is quite the hoot. I love reading your posts - you are so great and I can just imagine all these little stories and scenes that you describe! You're a trooper...(Happy Triduum!)

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed the laugh I got from this post.
