Monday, January 31, 2011

So He Says...

When talking about his upcoming birthday (2 months away), Aidan said, "I want a pink guitar cake with a green candle." Random?

Referring to number dos in the pot-tay: "I'm making a rocking horse...and there's an elephant."

In his class at church he told the teacher that the plastic kid's potty seat was "for girls" and then told Seth it was "for sisters."

"When I get bigger, I am going to wear a Seth hat and a Seth jacket."

A little over a week ago, he was staying with our friends while we went out for our anniversary. I put him in a Pull-up because I was worried that he wasn't going to tell them he needed to go potty. Well, he kept telling them he needed to go and after about 5 tries and nothing happening, my friend assumed he was just wanting to go because it was fun to go in a new place...So, he asked again, and she didn't take him. So a few minutes later she hears him talking on the play telephone... he was telling whomever he was talking to, "I pooped in my pants."

"Goliath has bad teeth." Aidan pretty much says this about anyone that is presumably "bad."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Growing Up

My kids are growing too fast. Aidan is potty trained. (Hallelujah!) He practically did it all by himself and now refuses to wear any clothes all day, just underwear. He loves his sister so much and she is starting to really giggle at him. Nora is getting big too. She loves to play and sits up really great with support. She will sit on your lap happily for long periods of time. Aidan looks more and more like a big boy now and Nora is really becoming an interactive baby. Time just keeps flyiing by. And speaking of time...we've been in South Carolina for 3 months now. Wow!
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Nora is VERY interested in food, especially since she started eating cereal once a day. She gobbles it down and makes quite the mess too!
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Thursday, January 20, 2011


We started dating 6 years ago. Just two young college students in love.

Then we married one snowy day in January 2 years later.

We never imagined our first anniversary would be spent like this:

We spent our 2nd anniversary away from our baby all night for the first time. And our 3rd anniversary I was pregnant again. :)
Never though we'd be celebrating the 4th in South Carolina with our 2 children. 

Love you honey!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Dirt In Me.

I've been shoveling dirt into a place in my soul that is reserved for joy. Want to know how?

The house has not sold yet and ohmygoodness we are going to have to pay for the mortgage and the rent and blahblahblah and those numbers just don't add up and we don't even have money to pay the deficit of what that means.... HUGE PILE OF DIRT

I really am sick of having one car and a little car to be exact because it is so uncomfortable and the carseats smoosh against the front seats and our legs are cramped and I can't even go anywhere anyway during the day because Seth has the car and if I run out of diapers then I will just have to put kleenex in some underwear....HUGE PILE OF DIRT

I really hate being on the second floor in an apartment because it is a pain in the behind to lug strollers outside and then back in and then not have a place to let the tires dry when they get gunk on them from the trail and I just hate being in a small apartment anyway because it is just so cramped and our baby is sleeping in the kitchen and now that I am thinking about sleep I am never getting any anyway because both of my kids are up at night and it makes me even more mad about being on the 2nd floor....HUGE PILE OF DIRT

I really wish I could get some new clothes and not worry about spending any money and look cute and not wear things with holes in them or wear jeans that don't fit and don't fit because I've had babies and that has messed with my ability to wear things in my closet and I really wish I could look like so and so because then I would feel better about myself...HUGE PILE OF DIRT

Is that enough?

On Sunday, our pastor talked about the difference between happiness and joy. Happiness,unlike joy is not a constant, it is an ebb and flow based on circumstantial facts. Happiness changes by day and threatens our contentment. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, the evidence of a Savior in our lives. Joy does not change by daily circumstances. Joy is from the Father. Joy tells me that all the dirt in the world isn't too big for God and that it sincerely doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Those are feelings. They will change. My joy is in God, in His transformation of my heart.

Am I learning anything?

Well, today I told Aidan he needed to be grateful for the food I gave him for lunch because other people don't even have food and they don't get the choice to be picky. I think I'm gonna take my own advice and start giving thanks for what I do have.

Life is not always going to bring me happiness, but I won't let it rob me of my joy.

This is me, being real....and funny thing is, I had planned to write this before I read this post about honesty in blogging by Jami. Check her out!

Monday, January 10, 2011

4 months

Nora Cadence,

You reached the 4 month mark way too fast. I can't believe how much you are turning into my little baby and not so much a newborn anymore. What a difference this last month has made with you.
We started off your month with traveling to PA. You weren't so keen on the carseat for such a long period of time, but you really were a good baby while there and I loved how easy you would sleep in my arms. That being said, we developed a lot of bad habits over Christmas and we decided it was time for you to figure out how to soothe yourself to sleep. It has been a rough couple of weeks listening to you cry, but you are doing so much better now about going down without fussing. You still have a rough time at night, but it's getting less and less traumatic as the days go by. You are also getting to bed earlier (between 8-9pm and a record tonight of 7:50) which makes me very happy. You do still wake up in the night somewhere between 3-5am most nights. You went through a growth spurt within the last week and were getting up several times in the night and eating about every 2 hours in the day, so I started you on some rice cereal once a day and you gobble it up like you are starving. I had all intention of waiting until you turned 6 months to start feeding you anything other than breastmilk, but you seem to need the extra calories. You are a great eater and you love to nurse which is exactly what I hoped and prayed for, but you decided this month that you would absolutely not take a bottle. We have tried tirelessly to get you to take one, but you have not given in yet. You will not take a pacifier anymore (since about 7 weeks old) and you don't suck on any fingers either. I know this will make things easy for me as you get older, but I wish you had something easy like that to bring you comfort at times. However, you really don't need a pacifier because you are so stinkin happy almost all the time. Seriously, I don't know where all the crazy joy comes from, but you are full of it. You love to play and stay very content at one thing for long periods of time. I love knowing that when you are awake, you will not be needy (unless you are hungry) and I can count on you to entertain yourself. I love to talk to you though because you smile and laugh so much that it brings me great joy as well. You are truly a delight. You really love to watch Aidan play and you tolerate all of his hugs and kisses very well. I can tell that you will get much entertainment from just watching him. You love to stand and play in your exersaucer and you can sit very well when supported. You have not made any progress on rolling over yet and I am happy about that because Aidan was on the fast track when it came to getting around and you seem not to be in any hurry.
Nora, you are a light in our days. You never seem to get tired and you can hardly nap all day and still laugh and giggle and play like crazy. You have the best squeal and you are constantly making excited little noises all the time...literally, all the time. You love to squeal at everything when we are carrying you, getting your diaper changed makes you laugh, you don't mind getting dressed or bathed, you love to cuddle and get kisses, you love when we say your name...I just can't get enough of you.
I can't believe that one year ago (yesterday) I found out that I was having another baby and then you were born just 8 months later. I never could have imagined a better end to those long 8 months with you in my belly. You are a precious jewel and I love the wonderful way you make our family feel so much more complete. I am so glad you are mine.



4 months stats: 15 lbs.1 oz. 24.5 in.
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Love. {First Snow}

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Snow Day!

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

So Happy

Nora never ceases to amaze me. She is so content and happy and loves to sit and entertain herself for long periods of time. She needs little reassurances that you are nearby, but she does not need to be held much during the day. She does like to cuddle when she is hungry or tired though. Love love love this baby. She is still having a much harder time than her brother with learning to soothe herself to sleep and stay alseep throughout the night, but she is gradually learning. Today, when she was supposed to be napping, she was talking and talking for such a long time. I sat and watched her for awhile and then softly called her name. She couldn't see me, but upon hearing my voice she immediatley grinned and started squealing. I hesitated in picking her up and kept calling her name and she kept squealing happily, still not seeing me. I left the room for a second and came back and started again and she kept smiling and squealing until I couldn't stand it anymore and I picked her up and kissed her sweet baby cheeks. She didn't do much napping today, but she was so happy to be awake that it didn't really matter. Tonight, she was playing and laughing at everything, showing no signs of usual. I finally scooped her up and cradled her. She started nursing and fell fast asleep before she even really ate. I grinned and put her in bed. I think I'l just have to get her up in a couple hours and try again. :)
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Believe Them!

While I was making dinner tonight, Aidan kept mumbling about painting. I was curious, but also intent on not letting the food burn. Then, his exclamations became louder and he said, "Mom, I painted." I suddenly directed my attention to him as he stood there proudly holding an open bottle of acrylic paint with a paintbrush inside. (Alas! He found my craft supplies.) Upon asking him where he painted, he proceeded to point at the living room wall. Behold, the beautiful artwork displayed above our couch...and ummm, on our couch. Luckily, I was able to wash the paint off the couch, while laughing to myself and thinking "We do not need to get new furniture until all children have safely passed the age of 5." This is the 2nd wall art this week. We have a lovely display of everyone's "names" written with crayon on the opposite wall.
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Why I can't have more children

More children mean more crocheted stockings. As of 2010, I am one stocking behind. :) I made these Christmas stockings last year and they were quite the project. I don't think it would be quite so difficult now and the perfectionist in me wants to start over and make them all again, but I think the imperfections add a little character. So, I have a whole year to make Nora a stocking to match and I'm pretty sure I'll probably wait until November to start. :)
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Reflection and Resolution

I have been hesitant to blog as the beginning of the year approached. 2010 was a rough year for me. There were a lot of challenges and changes that pushed me to grow and stretch. I didn't really like it that much.

The year started off with a bang and positive pregnancy test. It was exciting and awesome to think we were going to have another baby. Then, we celebrated 3 years of marriage. First trimester sickness kicked in. Seth started school and was gone A LOT. I was watching Aidan and Oakley all day and battling through the beginning of my pregnancy. Rough. I ate lots of ice cream. I eventually started feeling better. Aidan turned 2. Seth got a job offer at work. We worked hard on our house. Aidan had his first stomach flu. I quit my job watching Oakley. Seth accepted the offer. We planned for our move. Seth was gone 1/2 of August. I landed myself in the hospital with early contractions. We packed. Nora was born after a fast 3 hour labor. We packed some more. We moved. MOVED. We left friends and family behind. Aidan went through really rough patch of acting out. Our house would not sell. We prayed. We lowered our price again and again. Spent Thanksgiving alone. Figuring out life with one car. Making friends. New church. Trusting God. Financial burden of house ever-looming. Christmas with Seth's family. New Year's alone. Waiting. Watching. Thanking God for bring us through and for what He has yet to do in our lives.

So, 2011 is here. Our house has still not sold and we have dropped our price so much that we are swimming against the current. The outlook is not exactly positive, but we are still trusting, growing with the Lord. I look to 2011 and see a lot of impossible, but know that with God all things are possible.

Some goals for me personally....

1)Spend more time in intercession.
2)Faithfully implement a preschool program with Aidan
3)Love my kids and serve them no matter how I feel
4)Be a better spouse
5)Start a ministry for young mothers
6)Potty train Aidan
7)Visit the beach with the kids
8)Get Nora to take a bottle!
9)Read more
10)Develop my sewing skills
11)Blog more
12) Exercise and eat healthy foods to get in pre-children shape
13)Serve more
14)Take a road trip
15)Start a business
16)Spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with family! :)
17)Play/sing with Seth; write songs together
18)Sleep through the night
19)Run a 5k
20)Find a more permanent home for our family here in SC

Dear Aidan

My sweet son, you are now 2.75 years old. It is hard to imagine in 3 short months you will be 3. I have noticed such growth in you recently in many ways and I am enjoying getting to know how your brain works, although I am still far from understanding the things you do sometimes.
Aidan, you are so friendly it kills me! You say "hi" to everybody and start conversations with strangers all the time. You have helped Mommy and Daddy meet new people here in South Carolina because of your outgoing nature and your willingness to chatter to anyone who cares to listen. You say the funniest things sometimes and have very complex thoughts/sentences that make me giggle. You also like to pipe in unexpectedly with your own two cents when Mommy and Daddy are having a conversation.
You still love being a little musician and play the drums all the time. You also love your new electric guitar with a "frap" (strap) on it. You favorite thing to do is stand on Daddy's guitar case with his guitar stand (your stage and microphone), put your sunglasses on (an absolute must to fully rock out), and play and sing away. It brings us great joy to see your deepening love for music and we will be very surprised if you do not live out your dream to be a musician someday.
You have really adjusted well to a new life in a new place. I am amazed at your understanding and accepting of all things new. You love to Skype with your grandparents and you seem to understand that they are now far away. You refer to everything as the "new____" and I figure that you will probably do that for awhile still.
We have had to stay at home a lot more than we used to since we don't have a car most days, but you are learning to enjoy actually being at home. We do many things together like: building tents in your room, playing with play-doh, drawing, singing, baking, taking walks, and reading books. You still love to go places, but I can sense a new contentment with being at home that wasn't there before.
You are an excellent big brother. You adore Nora and you love when she is awake. You still talk to her in the cutest little high-pitched voice and give her lots of hugs and kisses. The other day I asked you if you wanted Mommy to have another baby (meaning, in addition to Nora) and you said, "No, I just want this baby" (thinking I meant in replacement of your sister). So sweet! You love to try and make her laugh and you are always getting her toys and other things to look at. You also like to reassure her if she is sad that is is "okay." I heard you once telling her, "It's okay Nora, Aidan's here," and it melted my heart.
You went through a rough time of disobeying recently, but I think that was your way of dealing with all the sudden change in your world. You seem to be calming down more and becoming more agreeable. I see you maturing more each day.
I love you dearly, my big boy, and I can't believe just how big you are getting. Now, you just need to get rid of those diapers and become better acquainted with the potty! :)


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