My sweet little Aidan,
You are growing by leaps and bounds these days and I am enjoying your emerging independence these days. I would have to say that the most impressive thing that you have done this month is add to your vocabulary in a significant way. You are starting to put words together and say things without any prompting or help. You love to try out new words. Some of my favorite things you say right now are: "hi bird", "I toot" (I'm cute), "yeh-wo" (yellow), "heh-wo" (hello), "hand duh-ty" (hand dirty), "hot", "cold", "warm", and "hi ma-ma". You say so many funny things I am constantly laughing at you. Tonight, you told me "bun eyes peese" which let me know that the sun was in your eyes and you wanted me to please close the blinds.
You are so happy that the weather is getting warmer these days and you really enjoyed your sandbox today. You tracked sand in all over the house, but it was so worth it to see your smiles.
You are eating much better this month, after you suffered another nasty ear infection and cold. You gained 2 pounds in just 2 weeks. I think you must be growing. You really love to eat sweet potato fries and you tried sloppy joes for the first time last night, thinking they were "burbers" (burgers). You are eating more veggies and had a good amount of zucchini tonight, your all-time favorite. I am so happy that you are eating better and you seem much happier because of it too.
You are still working on those 2 year molars and I think it will be awhile until they poke all the way through. You hate if I touch your sore gums and you don't like it when I brush your teeth back there.
You still love Elmo and want to watch Elmo's World almost every day. You would watch tv all day if I let you. You are also really into the show Super Why that comes on KCPT kids network. You ask for it every morning and you seem to really be learning a lot more about your letters from it too.
You still sleep like a champ and you were sleeping about 13 hours a night for awhile and taking 3 hour naps. Since you were sick, you went to 12 hour nights and sometimes only 1.5 hours for a nap. I know that it will continue to fluctuate as you get these teeth in, but I can't complain cause you really do great and you love going to bed.
Some things you really love right now are:
-playing the piano and having us clap for you
-dancing and singing on the stage at church
-playing with your microphone
-playing in the car and being outside
-baking with Mommy
-going to the store
-being with grandparents
-brushing your teeth while sitting on the sink
You really love to go places and you have started saying, "no home" if you think we are going in that direction. You just really love to be out and about and are not a homebody in the least. You listened to your "happy birthday" cd today 3 times in a row and spent the time lying down with your blankie on the couch and also playing some of your musical instruments.
You are really starting to understand how to obey better and you also are learning how to share and to love on others. You love for me to hold you and you are definitely a Momma's boy. You also like for us to kiss you when you hurt yourself. You have started putting your fingers to my mouth and making kissing noises. When I ask if you need a kiss, you say, "yeah" (another absolutely cute and new thing you do). You are great playing with other kids in the nursery, but so thrilled to see me when I pick you up. You shout my name and come running to me. I melt every time.
You have started playing really well with Oakley, although you can be a little too rough sometimes. It is cute to see how you two interact and I am so excited to see how you are with your new sibling. I love the way you talk in a baby voice to Oakley and pat him gently when he is crying. You have started to pretend you are a baby at times though and I do not like that. You most like to mimic the crying and fussing and even today you were lying on your stomach next to Oakley and fussing. So cute and so annoying at the same time!
You are still not anywhere near potty trained and you have seemed to have lost interest in the potty for now. You do love to sing the "bye bye pee, bye bye poop" song all the time and you also are able to tell when you have gone to the bathroom in your diaper. I am going to start hardcore training you in a few months.
I know there are so many more things about you that I don't want to forget and I can't believe you are almost 2 years old. It seems like time has just been flying by and you are my little boy now and not a baby anymore. I love getting to know you better and I am so excited to see how you grow and mature. I love your sensitivity to prayer and how your hold your hands up in worship. You definitely sense something about the Lord, even though you are still to young to understand much. I am so excited to teach you about God as you grow up.
Aidan, I am so proud of who you are becoming and so blessed and honored to be your mother. You truly light up my life and I couldn't imagine it without you.
I love you bubby,
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