Tuesday, December 30, 2008


We had a wonderful Christmas, and it was so fun to watch Aidan enjoy being with both of our families.

On Dec. 20 we celebrated Christmas with my family because they were going out of town for the week.

Aidan loved the wrapping paper. He is really into tearing paper right now, so it was fun to watch him get excited about it. He didn't really care about the present inside though.

On the 23rd, Seth and I spent the evening decorating Christmas cookies and wrapping presents. It was a really fun night.

These were just a few of our masterpieces!

On Christmas Day, we celebrated with Seth's family. His grandparents were there as well, and we had a splendid time together. Aidan loved being the center of attention.

He was also ready to show off his new climbing skills!

All in all, it was a wonderful time with family and very relaxing for everyone.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Where's Bungle?

Aidan did the cutest thing yesterday.

Within the past couple of weeks, Aidan has suddenly developed a love for a specific blanket and a stuffed monkey called Bungle. Every time he goes to bed, we wrap him in his blanket (which he caresses with his hand) and put Bungle the monkey next to him. It's very cute because he often smiles or laughs when he sees his special little monkey friend. This is great for all of us because Aidan now no longer feels the urge to crawl and stand up before naptime as long as he has these two special lovies.

So, yesterday, I went in to get him from his nap and he was doing the usual standing and talking thing. I decided to sit in the glider and just talk to him instead of picking him up right away. He laughed and "talked" to me for quite awhile. Then, I asked him "Aidan, where's Bungle?" He looked at me like he was trying to understand me and so I asked him a couple more times. All of a sudden, he turned to look around in his crib, happily plopped down and grabbed his monkey. He hugged him and laughed, so proud of himself for finding Bungle.  I, on the other hand, could not believe that he understood me. He still doesn't seem to understand that I am "Ma Ma" yet, but he sure knows who Bungle is. I am constantly amazed by my little guy.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thank the Lord for Cheerios!

Aidan is now eating finger foods, or at least starting to. He can pick up Cheerios and crackers off his tray now. And, the best part about it is that he loves it! So, when Mommy needs a little downtime from chasing him around the house, the Cheerios come out and all is right in the world. :)

Aidan also has a new infatuation with trash cans. Even if he is in an entirely different room he always immediately crawls as fast as he can towards the kitchen to get to the trash can. I chase him, retrieve him, tell him "no", and we start the whole game over again. Just a couple weeks ago it was the shoes at the front door. We have now blocked that off, but the kitchen is open. I am trying to figure out how to gate off the kitchen without it being a huge pain. Some of the obstacles we have created to keep Aidan out of things make walking a little difficult at times.

I really do love my little boy even more every day though. Some days he just gets in to things all day and requires so much energy, but I still love spending that time with him. I have learned a lot about just relaxing and being with him if he needs me. Now, most of the time, he can play by himself, but some days he just need to be held and loved on. On these days I just have to let the house go, not worry about taking a shower, and just be with him. He is really so sweet and I don't want to miss these days because I am too busy to sit still and just watch him play. It won't be long until I won't have a baby to cradle and rock, a little one who wants to be fed, who loves to be held, who smiles at me like I am his world...Even though I hope to have many more babies in life, Aidan will only be my very first baby once...and I don't want to forget, or miss, a thing.

Friday, December 5, 2008

8 Months


My little boy is 8 months old today. So much has happened in the last month too. Aidan has gotten really good at crawling and is really quick. He is usually across the room before we can even turn our heads. He stands up all the time now and is trying to "walk" along things. He has had many falls and bruises and bumps, but he is a tough cookie and hardly makes a big deal out of it. He got his first two teeth this past month and that has been a really big pain for us all. Naptime has gotten quite difficult for everyone. Aidan also got sick for the very first time and ended up with a double ear infection on Thanksgiving day. He loves his bubble gum flavored antibiotics though!

Aidan's favorites right now are the Cd player, shoes, the buckles on our antique trunk/coffee table, eating apple slices with the help of his mesh feeder, taking baths, eating teething tablets, using his new walker, standing up in his crib and looking at himself in the mirror, going outside (except it's been too cold lately), and pushing around his toy box along the floor.

Aidan fills our days with fun and laughter and it's so great to watch him discover new things.

Here are just a few of his favorite things!

Standing up with the help of the CD player. This is actually the very first thing he pulled up on.

Taking a bath

Eating a teething biscuit

Being with Mommy

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Growing pains



I am having a very rough day today because my teeth are trying to come in. I just want Mommy to hold me all the time and I don't like to nap. The keyboard made me happy, so Mommy let me type. I really am tired and Mommy is my favorite right now. Today, I spit up sweet potatoes right down Mommy's shirt as we were leaving the house. Mommy is nice and she forgave me.

Love, Aidan

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Crazy day, napless Aidan, and bacon frying

So, I have two jobs.

What was I thinking?!!?!!

It has definitely been an adjustment to us all and I am honestly amazed how I do it.  Just two nights ago, Seth and I were in bed reading...it was early (9:30ish) and I felt energized...but the next thing I know, I am waking up and Seth is tucking me in and turning out the lights. What??? I am the worst sleeper on the planet and never fall asleep like that. It definitely made me realize how much my life takes out of me.

This is what the day was like today:

7:00-Aidan wakes up yelling. I get up and make a bottle, go upstairs, and feed him.

7:30-Aidan is crying in his exersaucer and wants to be held.

8:30-Aidan is still wanting to be held and will not play by himself.

9:00-Aidan is finally down for a nap and I scramble to get myself ready for the day and clean up the kitchen.

9:45-Mom arrives to take care of Aidan.

10:15-Leave for work.

10:30-Arrive at work, start doing laundry, tidy the bedrooms, and take the trash out.

11:30-Grocery shopping for the family I work for.

12:30-Back from shopping, put groceries away, do more laundry, eat a little lunch, clean out the entire fridge and wash all the shelves and bins.

1:30-Mom calls and tells me that Aidan won't nap

1:45-Fold laundry and put away in rooms.

2:30-Cut up apples for the kids after school snack.

2:45-Leave to pick up kids from school.

3:00-Aidan still not napping.

3:20-Drop boys off and take McKinzie to the pet store to buy fish food.

3:45-Arrive at my second job.

5:15-Finish training, take McKinzie home.

5:20: Aidan still awake.

5:30-6:30-Make dinner for the F. family. French toast and bacon. Having never fried bacon before it was an interesting task.

6:45-Arrive home to a teething baby that has not napped all day. Change him, feed him, give him Tylenol, rock him, sing to him, lay him in bed.

7:15-Eat dinner.

7:45- Blog about my day.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Wanted: A bodysuit and helmet for an 18 lb. boy


You won't believe what the last few days have been like. Aidan is super prone to injuries right now. He wants to pull up on EVERYTHING...regardless of how sturdy it is. Just this morning he was trying to stand up with the help of a small empty box. He, of course, could not pull it off.

The last two mornings we have woken to a crash and scream. The first morning it was his face that hit the side of the crib. This morning, the back of his head.  I never realized the need for a video monitor until now.

How do mothers (and their precious babies) survive this stage of exploration and daredevil-like behavior? Aidan seems to have no fears and will try anything. If he falls, he generally just gets back and up and starts over again...that is, unless he hits too hard...then he just needs a hug from Mommy and he's fine.

I am trying to stay relaxed, to pray over him, and to just be calm when he does hurt himself. It's gonna happen, so I can't freak out over him and not let him learn some things the hard way at times.

I just had to add this picture taken about one month ago.

How can you resist this little face?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My lips hurt real bad

I have lost my chapstick and it is a tragedy indeed. My lips cannot take the separation and I am miserable. If you think I'm exaggerating at all, think again! I am so serious about this. I have been trying to devise a plan for getting more chapstick, but Aidan is napping and I don't want to wake him and drive around with a fussy baby...even in my current desperate state.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

A life update

Aidan is napping, Seth reading, I am sitting downstairs after a warm shower and a belly full of french toast and peppermint coffee (compliments of my wonderful husband), and all feels right in the world.

A lot has been happening in the Simmons' household: Aidan is crawling and got his first tooth on Thursday, I got a second part-time job that starts this week (so excited!), and we are taking the first steps toward possibly purchasing our first home (got approved for a loan this week).

Rewinding for a second....

On Tuesday, November 4th, we went as family to go vote. Aidan even joined in on the fun and "helped" Daddy select some of the candidates on the computer screen. We thought it was good for him to learn how to be an active citizen of the United States. :)

Only a few days later, I found Aidan experiencing his newest freedom. I think our lives are going to change in a big way now. The mess below took all of 2 minutes.

On Thursday night, Seth and I had a lovely date night at Main Street Cafe where we saw Ali Rogers, Waterdeep, Sandra McCracken, and Derek Webb. Thanks, babe!

Friday, I had the interview for my new job and spent the evening with my family. Grandmother and Bob came to visit and we had a wonderful time with them that evening and again on Saturday.

Bob made this horse for Aidan. What an absolute amazing gift he has!

Aidan was super enthusiastic about showing off his new talents and kept us laughing with his "new" take on crawling.

Aidan also really loves to stand up and we couldn't help but capture this sweet image of him standing on the barstool in my parent's kitchen. (Don't worry we only jumped out of the picture for like 2 seconds)

Aidan really loved Grandmother and Bob coming to see him and loved his new rocking horse.

And last but not least... my beautiful sister and I!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

7 months

Today Aidan is 7 months. It's so hard to believe. He is starting to crawl, "talking" all the time, sitting up without any support, eating baby food, sleeping good, trying to pull up on things...it's amazing how fast he's growing up!

This past week we've had gorgeous weather and when Aidan and I went on our walks I stopped by a park to let him try out the swings for the first time. He loved it!

He was a monkey for Halloween and was too precious for words.

I am enjoying Aidan so much these days. He is so sweet and so busy. He loves to play and is very interested in what is going on around him. Happy 7 months little one!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Facts of life

1. We have wasps/hornet creatures in our house. They scare me.

2. No matter how hard I try to get ahead of the house cleaning, I never do.

3. My body will never be the same now that I have had a child.

4. I have a different purpose in life now.

5. Eating lots of food does not help you lose the baby weight.

6. There is always laundry to be done.

7. Life is most fulfilling when your goal is to serve others first.

8. The color blue is calming.

9. Smiles from a baby are like fine jewels.

10. Motherhood is demanding and rewarding...sometimes one precedes the other.

11. There is never not time to spend with the Lord.

12. It's good not to sweat the small stuff.

13. Marriage is a blessing and should never be treated any differently.

14. Insert "children" where "marriage" is.

15. Nothing could be better than devoting all your days to raising a beautiful baby boy into a man of God.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Our trip...cont.

Okay... so the last post was still supposed to be in progress, but Seth was helping me with the photos and went ahead and posted it without my knowledge. So... I'm finishing what I started.

Where was I? Oh yeah...so we spent the night with the Beckman's. Aidan was such a little noisemaker that night and I hardly slept (I am so not used to him sleeping near us!). Anyway, he woke up earlier than normal, so I picked him up and let him sleep on me in our bed. I was actually rather surprised that he did since he is so NOT a cuddler anymore. He used to lay on us, but he is very independent about sleeping now and wants to just lay in his bed. So,I enjoyed the cuddle time despite the early morning hour.

Since we were a little tired, we took it easy in the morning, letting Aidan nap and got ready to head back to Siloam for the day. We arrived in time for lunch and had a lovely picnic on the quad. Aidan liked being outside and got to experience grass for the first time. We also attempted to get a family picture, but weren't terribly successful.

Our only good picture

The choir reunion was great. We had a long practice and then the choir concert that evening. It was good to see so many old friends again. Aidan was a little charmer and survived the day on very little sleep.

That night, we stayed in Siloam with some friends of my parents. I got to enjoy another early morning cuddle, but this time Aidan slept next to me. I couldn't help but watch him the whole time in wonder. His is so adorable and growing up so fast. Those early mornings were probably the highlight of the trip for me. :)

Aidan swinging with Daddy

We left pretty early to head home on Sunday morning. Aidan was a little less happy on the trip home and had a couple of meltdowns that resulted in some good naps, but was definitely not as pleasant that day. I don't blame him for being cranky after getting very little sleep all weekend. I'm surprised it took him three days to protest.

Well, that's that. The End.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Our trip to JBU

A couple weekends ago we went to JBU Homecoming.

I had been anticipating this trip for awhile with a mixture of anxiety and excitement. The anxiety was mostly about how Aidan would be while we traveled. A lot of that anxiety was let go of, however, when my sister Stephanie volunteered to be our nanny for the trip.

It was great!

Our trip down there was super smooth. Aidan only slept for about 20-30 minutes of the whole 4 hour trip, but didn't fuss at all when he was awake.

We got to Siloam and spent the afternoon walking around visiting with people and chatting about all our memories. We had strawberry limeades from Sonic for a treat and then headed to Fayetteville to visit Cody and Kara. We had a lovely time there. The girls and Aidan went for a nice walk and then we all enjoyed a wonderful dinner together.

Aidan especially loved the Beckman's red couch

And his Aunt Steph

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Melancholy feelings and a busy day

Today, I feel a little melancholy. I am done nursing/pumping. While part of this decision has completely overjoyed me, there is a part that makes me feel like my little one is not so little anymore. Yes, he still drinks milk, but it's not my milk...and that makes me a little sad. If he had been a good nurser and if we didn't have so many issues, I would still be going strong now. But, that is just not the case. For the past few months, I was nursing Aidan once a day and pumping the rest of the time. I really miss those early morning nursing times with him cuddlde close to me. I will never have that with him again. Thus, the melancholy feelings.

Yesterday, however, was an exciting day! I bought a Peg Perego highchair off of Craigslist and I love it! I am so happy to finally have a highchair for Aidan because he does not like to sit in the Bumbo anymore. Mealtimes were really beginning to be quite the hassle. He has already sat in it 3 times and seems to enjoy it too. Yay! I will have to post a picture of my big boy.  We also sold Seth's Honda and bought his dad's Mercury Tracer...we were happy with how the entire process went so smoothly and we are now the owners of a little bit less of a junk car. :) We still very much need a good car for our family and are praying for some wisdom in purchasing one.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

6 month checkup

We went to the Dr.'s today for Aidan's 6 month checkup. He measured 26 3/4 inches (70th percentile) and weighed in at 17 pounds, 3 ounces (50th percentile). He had fun tearing up the paper they put on the table and there was none left by the time we were ready to leave. He also had to get 3 shots, but only cried for a second. I almost cried too because for some reason his cry was so pitiful this time that it made my heart break. I didn't want him thinking that I was hurting him because I had to hold him down. He was fine right afterwards and is sleeping now...

Monday, October 6, 2008

6 months

On Saturday, Aidan was 6 months old. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. We celebrated by going to First Watch for brunch--just the 3 of us. Aidan was a perfect angel and loved sitting in a highchair for the first time. I have a special cover with toys on it that he played with the whole time. I mashed up some avacado and would give him bites intermittedly as he watched everyone with intense curiosity. We spent the afternoon at home and then went over to Seth's parent's house for dinner. Aidan was a delight and went to bed without a fuss in his pack n play(I love those things!). Aidan is now sitting up without needing much support. He loves to lunge forward and land on his belly. He is really frustrated that he cannot move forward and wants to crawl, but doesn't quite get the concept yet. He has a new laugh that is awkward and cute and comes out more like a cough than a laugh. He does this all the time to get attention and we can't help giving it to him. He loves when Seth sings and plays the guitar and especially when we say his name. He gets so excited that he will get really quiet and then let out a piercing squeal. He is very happy playing with toys and is very curious about everything. He is starting to develop "favorites" and it is really cute to see how he knows what he wants. He loves to cuddle in bed with us and loves to eat. I love this stage!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Contentment is the key...

...to happiness. I have been thinking a lot lately about being content in all situations. There are several things that I am tempted to be ungrateful for or sometimes I even envy what others have that I don't. I am learning to be thankful in all things...even the things that don't seem so great. Our faucets in the downstairs bathroom and kitchen broke...so no warm water to wash dishes and bottles, or warm up those bottles. Frustrating. There is, however, warm water upstairs in our bathroom. And while I am not going to tote all my dishes up there, I can bring some water down to mess with the bottles. I am thankful I have water...because some do not. So even if it is not flowing out of all 3 sinks like I would like it to be, it is there, and I am choosing to be grateful.

I am grateful for so many things today:

-water, my sweet little boy, food to eat, a car that runs, a house to live in, my family, knowing that God knows my needs, being able to trust in His unfailing love

How could you not be thankful for this sweet face?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Separation Anxiety

Well, they say that at some point your baby will develop anxiety at being separated from you. For Aidan, this is not yet the case. He happily hangs out with anybody as long as they let him smile at them. So, being a very brave mommy, I have been slowly introducing Aidan to the church nursery. I kinda hoped that he would feel some sort of hesitation when I plopped him down in foreign territory, but this was not the case for Mr. Smileypants. Aidan loves the activity of the nursery. Screaming babies, toys galore, utter chaos, it's his place to thrive. He just watches the other babies and eats whatever toy he can grab (this is the part that I just have to cringe and then walk away, trying not to think about which baby feasted on it last). Anyway, all that to say...while I have been semi-enjoying my newfound freedom of sitting through a church service with little distraction, I am very distracted by the fact that Aidan is in the nursery. I find myself suffering from my own mild case of "separation anxiety" and frantically check the time to see how much longer until I can go and "rescue" him. My worry is usually all in vain because when I go in to check on him or to retrieve him, he is content, cared for, and generally pretty happy. I wonder when he will need me as much as I need him.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The title says it all... "Yikes," I haven't written on here in a long time. :)

Life has been full of business and distractions. As of late my days have been filled with trying to get Aidan adjusted to a 4 hour feeding schedule, 3 naps (2 long ones, 1 short), sleeping until 7:00-7:30ish in the a.m., eating new foods, etc... Motherhood just plain wears me out sometimes. :) All that, and I've been waking up the last few mornings at 5:58 (Seth used to set his alarm for this time, but after several "discussions" we no longer have that disturbance, but my body is adjusted to waking then anyway) with this ridiculous song about bears replaying over and over again in my mind. I heard the song on one of Aidan's cds and it's stuck in my brain now. I've asked God if he wants me to learn anything from the song, but I haven't really gained much spiritual understanding from "bears don't drink from a cup."

Anyway, I am currently looking for a second part-time job and feeling frantic some days about how slow the process is. I am learning once again how to trust in God. My days feel so full now, that I don't know how life will look once God turns things around, but I'm hopeful for some positive change.

Aidan is growing so much...He has developed a strong fascination for tags...tags on clothes, toys, towels, pillows, etc... Who cares how bright and beautiful the toy is Mommy, I just want to lick the tag. :) They must have an extra special flavor because Aidan has tried them all and never stops trying to devour every last one. He also has recently learned to eat his toes and enjoys their unique flavor too. He gets excited about so many things: when I get my keys out to unlock the door, going outside, going downstairs to play, watching the water fill up his bath, getting his diaper changed, watching the news, watching Mommy dance like a crazy person, jumping in his new Johnny Jump-up, and more. I love the little booger.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Things that make me smile...

This was an email my Grandma sent to me this morning that I just had to share.

Grandma, you are the best!




Friday, September 5, 2008

5 months!

I can't believe that Aidan is 5 months old already! He is doing so many new things. Just to list a few:

-grabbing both of his feet (all the time)

-reaching for his bottle and trying to hold it

-rolling over both ways (just figured out back to tummy)

-sitting up all by himself (for a few minutes anyway)

-soothing himself in the car

-eating cereal, veggies, and bananas

-and just being as cute as ever!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The joys of CIO (Cry It Out)

CIO is a controversial topic among many mothers. Some think it is unusually cruel and unloving, while others think it goes hand in hand with the development of good sleeping habits. I would have to agree with the latter.

While I have never been one to let Aidan cry for very long, I do think it is important for him to learn to sleep on his own. For about 2 months, he was the best about going down for naps and bed. He would lay right down without more than a tiny tired fuss. Then 4 months happened and sleep regression occurred. Along with that, he got his first ever cold. Somehow, I found myself rocking, singing, shushing, and patting him to sleep. This was new for me. I felt awful about letting him cry because his nose was stuffy and would only get worse with the crying. So, I gave in. His cold got better, I was still singing and rocking. Two days ago, I went back to square one. Put him in his bed and gave him 5 minutes to calm himself. He was out in about 3-5 minutes. Way to go little one. Just three days of this now and his crying is down to 0-2 minutes. I will be honest and say that I don't know what I would do if he cried for much longer. My rule has always been to give him 5 minutes and then if he is still crying, reassure him and give him another 5. I don't think it's ever gone beyond that, but I'm not sure what the next rule would be if I had to have one. I'm just lucky he loves his sleep enough to not fight it too long. Yet, even 5 minutes seems like too long sometimes...and I want to rush in and comfort him. But I know in the end I will be thankful I did this...and he will be too.

Monday, August 25, 2008

A day in the life...

Here is our day today. An unbelievably pleasant one.

5:58: Wake to Seth's alarm going off. Amazed that Aidan did not wake up in the middle of the night like he has been for the past 2 weeks.

6:57: Aidan wakes up. Yeah for him.

7:00 Nurse Aidan.

7:30: Pump, watch the news, let Aidan play on the floor.

7:50: Out the door for our morning walk.

8:20: Inside again and Aidan down for a nap.

8:20-9:00: Shower for me, time with the Lord, laundry started.

9:20: Aidan wakes up from his nap talking.

9:30-10:00: Bottle then cereal and banana for Aidan.

10:00-10:30: Poopy diaper change, bathtime for Aidan, Aidan down for nap.

10:30-11:15: More laundry stuff. Computer time.

11:15: Aidan wakes and fusses, but goes back to sleep.

11:15-1:00: Finish getting ready for the day, eat lunch, pump, make grocery list and menu plan, read Mere Christianity.

1:00: Aidan wakes up and drinks a bottle.

1:45: Out the door to go to Wal-mart.

2:45: Back home from the store, Aidan down for a nap.

2:45-3:45: Laundry, pump, get ready for work, eat a snack, leave for work.

The rest of the day will look something like this...

4:00-5:30: Work

5:45: Come home, leave for Seth's parent's house.

6:00-8:00: Time with Seth's family.

8:00: Aidan down for the night.....Time to relax before bedtime.

A wonderful day.

Friday, August 22, 2008

20 weeks

Aidan is doing new things every day it seems! He talks, talks, and talks all the time. He wakes up from most of his naps happy and chatty now. He is learning to hold his bottle and grab his feet. He loves taking showers and squeals in delight when we go in the bathroom and take his diaper off. He knows that his room is where he sleeps and will promptly lay his head down on my shoulder and stick his thumb in his mouth when we go up for his nap. He is much happier during the day and has learned to actually enjoy riding in the car. He has not screamed to get in his seat or during a car ride in almost 2 weeks. That is a huge improvement! He likes to listen to Sara Groves and doesn't like when I talk loud over the music. He loves remote controls, cell phones, and cameras (basically anything electronic). He weighed in at 15 pounds, 3 ounces and was 24 1/4 inches long at his 4 month appt. He is a short chubby thing.

Here is Aidan eating his first rice cereal yesterday afternoon. He had a look of disgust first and then he happily ate whatever I offered. He was most interested in the spoon and kept trying to grab it from me. He is too cute sometimes!

Monday, August 4, 2008

4 months

Aidan is 4 months old today. How time flies!

I think life with a baby is much easier now than at first. Those first 3 months were just plain hard. We seem to have adjusted to each other and I am so blessed to spend all my days with the little guy.

I  have my first client for work tonight. I am a little nervous, but excited for new beginnings.

This weekend was nice and relaxing. Seth and I got to spend some "us" time together at my parent's pool while Aidan napped. We also had a nice evening last night with Seth's family. We all went to the pool and Aidan got to "swim" for the 2nd time now. He's so stinkin cute. Seth and I watched part of the movie "Bandits" when we got home. It was nice to just relax. I am so grateful for my husband and for my little boy. They make my life so full.

I am trying to be more organized with my life at home. I am designating each day with some task that needs to be done. I am tried this almost every week, but seem to fail at it and then get behind. I am determined to make it work this time. Today is laundry day. I am going to wash, dry, and fold all laundry. It is also "pickup" day. Since our place seems to get cluttered from the weekend, Monday is always a good day to get things orderly again. So far I've been successful, but we'll see what happens when I get to bathroom day. :)

Here's a happy pic for today!

Friday, August 1, 2008


1. Today Aidan is 17 weeks. Hard for me to believe.

2. I like homemade granola. That is why I made some today.

3. I scared the living daylights out of my child by turning on the vacuum cleaner.

4. I am a stay at home mom and wife, but I have a part-time job in the evenings. I feel like life is busy.

5. I love to hear my husband sing, especially when he is worshipping God.

6. I need a tan.

7. Aidan pooped on me today.

8. I love knowing that my son is being nourished by my milk.

9. I am a craigslist junkie and proud of it!

10. I love to play card games.

11. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time to sophomore year at JBU. Good memories.

12. I wish God was easier to hear...or that I would be better at listening. Probably the latter.

13. I need to clean the bathrooms, but I really don't want to.

14. I want to go to the zoo instead.

15. Aidan's big blue eyes and sweet smile make my heart melt.

16. I love cuddling with my son.

17. I love how Aidan sucks his thumb when he sleeps.

18. I wish I knew where I will be in 6 months.

19. I sometimes feel lonely.

20. I need to stop thinking random thoughts.

Friday, July 25, 2008

16 weeks

I was planning to write a post on how wonderful a sleeper my little guy is, but for some reason today has thrown me for a loop. Aidan has gotten so good about going down peacefully for naps and bed. I just stick him in his crib and leave. That's it... no shushing, patting, rocking, pacifying. He sucks his thumb and falls asleep. The last few days he has started waking early from naps and "playing". He rolls onto his back and talks. I usually have to go in and roll him over and he goes back to sleep. Today that has not been the case. He doesn't want to go back to sleep when I roll him over and he screams and screams to be held. I'm thinking something is bothering him because it really is not like him at all. He even let me hold him and rock him for awhile before he drifted back to sleep.

Anyway, 16 weeks is finally here. Aidan is rolling over a lot more now. We have to roll him over at 6:00 so that he'll go back to sleep until 7:00am most mornings now. He is laughing a lot and playing more with toys. He loves to "talk" to you and is learning how to hold his bottle. I love when I walk in his room in the morning and talk to him and he looks for me. When he sees me for the first time he gives me such a huge grin and gets really excited for me to get him out of bed. He is also starting to sleep through his late night feeding. We have been getting him up at 10:30 to feed him for about a month and a half now. He used to wake up to eat and would get really talkative and almost so wide awake we were afraid he wouldn't go back to sleep! Now he doesn't even open his eyes. He eats, burps, gets his diaper changed, and sleeps right through it. I'm starting to wonder if maybe I should stop getting him up, but I'm afraid he'll wake through the night again. He has also stopped taking 5 naps a day. He takes 3 good ones and then one little catnap in the evening. He loves to sit on our laps when we eat dinner and tries to grab things off the table. It's super cute. We love him so much!

This picture was taken a couple of weeks ago, but it is so precious.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Strange sites, flying creatures, a wedding, screaming baby, rocking chairs, wrong directions, missed flight, new friends.

It's been 4 days since we've returned from our week long vacation and I think I'm still recovering. :)

We left July 4th, early in the morning for Pennsylvania. Aidan did pretty well on the flight, only fussing until we let him lie down on a pillow for a nap (he is very particular about how he sleeps).  After renting our car, we started on the almost 2 hour drive from Baltimore airport to my Grandma's house. Aidan fell fast asleep in his carseat (this is the one trip in the car that he actually did well on). We stopped at Wendy's for some lunch in this littly podunk town, had horrible service, and an interesting experience involving an old man peeing outside of Walgreens. Yes, you read that right. An elderly man was standing outside the door of his truck, parked near the entrance to Walgreens, pants down, relieving himself in the parking lot. It was the oddest thing I've ever seen.

Once at Grandma's we spent the rest of the day with family. Nathan and Sarah arrived with Xan and it was great getting to finally meet him. After such an exhausting day, we quickly tucked Aidan into bed and collapsed for the night. About an hour later, I woke to a weird sound. I thought maybe Aidan was stirring in his bed, so I got up to check on him. I couldn't see a thing because it was super dark so I went to lie back down. A couple minutes later I heard the noises again. Now, I thought it was an animal....maybe a chicken or something (not that a chicken would be at our second story window, but we were staying at my Grandma's friend's house that live on a farm, so it was somehow possible in light of those circumstances :) ). I nudged my sleeping husband and asked him to hand me his phone so I could check on Aidan again. I got up and walked over to his bed, letting the light shine eerily in the room. Aidan was as still as could be. Just as I was pondering that fact, I see something flying out of the corner of my eye. A bat! I freaked out and jumped back in bed, frantically pulling the covers over me. (On a side note: I feel somewhat guilty for not thinking to first protect my child from the creature, but I was so scared that all I could think was to get away from it) Seth woke up to me flailing my arms and pulling the covers and I whisperscreamed (that's a new word for what you do when something terrifies you, but you don't want to wake your sleeping baby) for him to turn on the lamp. He obediently turned on the light without really knowing what was going on. The next thing I hear is Seth whispershouting and peer out of the covers in time to see him ducking and flailing. The bat apparently swooped down to the ground and came right at him. Then all was quiet...the bat had disappeared behind the curtain nearest to Aidan's bed. Fearing for my child's safety, but more freaked out by that disgusting creature, I stayed put in bed with the covers ready around my head. Seth went to get some help. I ended up picking up Aidan and taking him to the other room while the owner of the house killed the thing with a tennis racket and then flushed it down the toilet. We then put Aidan back in bed and went to sleep (our precious little one didn't even stir). An hour later, I woke up to Seth flailing and falling out of bed. Apparently, he was dreaming the bat was coming at him again. All in all, we didn't get much sleep that first night.

The next day, we went to my cousin's wedding. Aidan had a rough time with having his naps interrupted and really let us know about it. I think he spent most of the day screaming his head off. We did capture at least one sweet moment together.

After such an exhausting day with Aidan, I was ready to come home, but he did better the next day during our family reunion at the camp. Here is a sweet picture of my sister and my sweet little nephew Xan.

The next day, we drove to Church House, an old church made into a summer home that is owned by my sister in law Sarah's family. It was a four hour trip that turned into a 7 hour one, with Aidan screaming most of the time to get out of his carseat. Needless to say, I was emotionally exhausted by the time we arrived. That evening we had a nice meal out on the porch and watched a storm come sweeping across the river. We had a relaxing couple of days there with my family and enjoyed floating down the river too. Here are a few pictures of Church house and our time there.


 Church House

 I like this rocking chair!

 The beautiful view we had.

 Aunt Steph and Aidan

To end our trip, Seth and I drove to Baltimore airport from Church House. This was a 4 1/2 hour trip that we gave ourselves 8+ hours to make. We had to stop often to keep Aidan happy and thought we were making good time only to discover that when we were "almost there" we were really 2 hours away in a different direction. We were going to miss our flight! I am amazed that I never lost my cool during this part of the trip. It was 6:30 in the evening, we weren't going to make our 8:50 flight and the next one out was at 6:30 in the morning. We have a 3 month old who hates to travel, we are both tired, and we were just charged $350 to make the change. The Lord provides. We were blessed to meet some ladies that took us to their church so that we could use their computer. One of the ladies let us stay in her home until we left at 3:00 am to drive to the airport. We arrived, returned the vehicle, got on board, and sighed. :) Aidan did quite well with being flexible, despite his earlier travel preferences. Oh yeah, on the flight home, Seth realized he left his iPod in the rental car. He was pretty bummed out. It was immediately rented out again, so he didn't hear back from the rental company until yesterday. They found the iPod and will return it to him. Once again, a wonderful blessing. When we arrived home on Thursday, a day later than we expected and with little sleep, we all took a long 2 hour nap. Aidan was great and let us sleep that whole time with no interruptions.

I now officially need a vacation. :)

Friday, July 11, 2008

14 weeks

A few of my favorite things about this week with Aidan:

-how he talks to his toys

-how he squeals with excitement out of the blue

-how he gave me a "real" laugh for the first time 2 days ago

-how he sucks his thumb when he sleeps

-how he smiles at me when i sing to him

-how he loves getting his diaper changed

-how he loves to eat his burp rags

-how he always gives me such big grins

A picture of my sweet boy:

Thursday, July 3, 2008

2 years ago today...

I said "yes" to Seth's marriage proposal. It's crazy how much has happened since then.

Aidan will be 3 months old tomorrow. I cannot believe it! We are flying out early in the morning for a 5 day vacation with my family. It will be Aidan's first time on a plane. I hope that it goes well.

Friday, June 27, 2008

12 weeks

My little boy is growing so fast!

This past week we encountered the temper tantrum. When Aidan is too tired or just doesn't like something, he tenses up, closes his eyes, and screams at the top of his lungs. No amount of consoling with make him stop screaming...he just stops when he stops. I noticed that he started to do it when he got overtired. He is so into playing now, that he'll just keep going and then hit a wall where he just can't settle down. I've been trying to put him down before he gets to that place so that he can easily put himself to sleep. It's been working better the last couple of days.

Aidan also is starting to notice his hands more. He tries to grab at toys and he loves sucking on his hands. He sucks on his thumb when he loses his pacifier when napping....it usually falls out though after he goes to sleep.

Yesterday, Aidan gave me a "real" laugh for the first time. I was clapping his hands together and saying "clap your hands" and he just thought it was hilarious. I started laughing at him laughing and he got even more tickled. It was one of the cutest things he's done so far.

Aidan giving Daddy kisses!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Recipe of the Week

I thought it would be fun to share a recipe each week that I have tried and enjoyed. This week I tried making Bierocks. They turned out great even though it took some work to make them.



  • 1 cup warm water

  • 1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast

  • 1/4 cup white sugar (I used honey)

  • 2 tablespoons margarine, softened ( I used butter)

  • 1 egg

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 3-1/2 cups all-purpose flour (I used 2 cups whole wheat flour and 1 1/4 cups unbleached flour)


  • 1/2 pound lean ground beef

  • 1/2 cup chopped onion (since I am not eating onions right now, I seasoned with garlic powder)

  • 3 cups shredded cabbage (I only used about 1 cup cabbage)

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper

  • 1 cup grated mozzarella cheese (I added this to the recipe myself)

  • 2 tablespoons melted butter

1.   Prepare dough: In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes. Mix in sugar, margarine, egg, salt and 1/2 of the flour. Beat until smooth; add remaining flour until dough pulls together. Place in oiled bowl. Cover with foil and refrigerate for 2 hours or overnight, OR let it rise for 1 hour. ( I refrigerated mine and it worked great)
2.   In a large heavy skillet, brown meat. Add onion, cabbage, salt and simmer 30 minutes. Cool until lukewarm. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C.)    ( I would wait to do this until after the dough has risen again) Coat a cookie sheet with non-stick spray.
3.   Punch down dough and divide into 10 pieces. Spread each piece of dough out on an un-floured surface (I floured mine because I had added less flour) and fill with approximately 2 tablespoons filling. (Add mozzarella cheese to each one)  Fold dough over and seal edges. Place on prepared cookie sheet and let rise for 1 hour.
4.   Bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes, or until golden brown. Brush with butter and serve.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Holly Housewife

I sincerely enjoy being a stay at home wife and mother. Yes, I do work part-time as well, but the majority of my time is spent taking care of my two boys. :) Today, while mixing together some bread dough, I started thinking about how wonderfully blessed I am to serve as a wife and mom. I love knowing that when I prepare a meal, clean the bathrooms, or fold laundry, I am doing it to take care of my family. I've always wanted to do this, and even though it's tough at times to have so much responsibility, I truly am fulfilled in it. I love you Seth, husband extraordinaire, and Aidan, sweet precious little one. I am celebrating you both today as I clean and cook.

Baby Mullet

Check out my incredible hair!

Friday, June 20, 2008

First book

Last night, I read to Aidan before bed. He was really into it.

11 weeks

11 weeks of poopy diapers, nursing, pumping, washing bottles, washing out poop stains from clothes,not sleeping, tiptoeing upstairs, comforting, cuddling, kissing little baby cheeks, smiling, listening to every little coo, getting peed on, pooped on, spit-up on, rocking, singing, laughing, loving, and having no regrets.

Aidan is growing more and more every day. This week he has mastered sleeping 8 hours straight...although those 8 hours are not always the most convenient ones for Mommy. He has also started to take at least 2 long naps (2- 2 1/2 hour ones) a day, giving Mommy time to get things done around the house.

Today, he got 2 more shots at the Dr.'s and did great. He cried for a minute and then smiled when I picked him up again. I was entirely surprised with how well he did because it was in the middle of his nap and everything. I have been dreading going to get his shots all week and it ended up not being so bad...although I still don't like them hurting my baby.

We found out today that little Carson Rusack has entered this world. Congratulations friends! Aidan is happy to have a new playmate.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I hope this never happens again

Today, while I was nursing Aidan, a spider crawled down my neck and into my shirt. I calmly tried to kill it/catch it, while still nursing the baby. I couldn't tell if I had been successful, so I set Aidan down and started shaking my shirt. This resulted in a screaming baby and a very anxious mother. The spider fell out and is now in spider heaven. Aidan resumed eating and was happy. The End.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A new life

I've decided to pick up blogging again. I want a way to keep everyone updated on the goings on in the Simmons household as it continues to grow. Just for fun, I will give a quick recap of the last few months.

Our little Seth "Aidan" arrived on April 4, 2008 at 3:18 p.m., weighing 6 lbs. 15 oz. and measuring 18 1/2 inches long. We fell in love right away. He managed to sleep away the first two weeks of life with minimal fussing and we thought it could only get easier. Needless to say, we were much surprised when Aidan found his voice and began to protest about many things in life: baths, naps, sleeping positions, etc... The next 5 weeks put us in survival mode. Aidan had his good days, but his bad days seemed more frequent. However, at 7 weeks old, he suddenly turned into a much more content and aware little being. Now, at 10 1/2 weeks, he is a little charmer. He loves to smile and "talk", he is sleeping through the night (last night was his new record-8 hours straight). He makes every day so special and unique. I love being a mom.

 Aidan, less than 24 hours after birth

and below: Aidan at 2 months