Our little Seth "Aidan" arrived on April 4, 2008 at 3:18 p.m., weighing 6 lbs. 15 oz. and measuring 18 1/2 inches long. We fell in love right away. He managed to sleep away the first two weeks of life with minimal fussing and we thought it could only get easier. Needless to say, we were much surprised when Aidan found his voice and began to protest about many things in life: baths, naps, sleeping positions, etc... The next 5 weeks put us in survival mode. Aidan had his good days, but his bad days seemed more frequent. However, at 7 weeks old, he suddenly turned into a much more content and aware little being. Now, at 10 1/2 weeks, he is a little charmer. He loves to smile and "talk", he is sleeping through the night (last night was his new record-8 hours straight). He makes every day so special and unique. I love being a mom.
and below: Aidan at 2 months
Yay, I'm glad you're going to blog again! You and Seth have a little cutie pie on your hands! I'm so excited to hear how you all are doing! Wish you all nothing but the best!!