Saturday, October 4, 2014

Nora's Birthday Tea

For Nora's 4th birthday we had a small little tea party with just a few friends (2 from church and 2 from our neighborhood).

It was by far the easiest birthday party I have planned to date. Girl parties are so much easier for me than boy ones! However, I was still running around last minute trying to get things together.

First off, I found an easy template on Pinterest for a teapot and cut some invitations out from some scrapbooking paper I had on hand. It was simple and easy even though I was late getting them mailed out.

I decided we would do some crafts and then have our cake and "tea" next. Enna was a great model for the crown craft as we were throwing together the party details early that morning.

The first thing we did was have coloring pages for the girls to work on while we waited for everyone to arrive. The girls were all dressed up-either in dress up clothes or fancy dresses. It was fun to see each unique girl's style in what she picked out to wear.

Then, we made some necklaces with some fun beads I found.

I snapped a couple quick photos of the table set up for the tea.

I had both plastic and china tea cups as options. And the cake was either vanilla or chocolate with raspberry or dark chocolate icing. Every bit of it was delicious!

Our second craft was making crowns out of felt. This was such a super easy project. I cut the crowns out the night before and glued them in double thickness, then we also glued all the ribbon to tie it with. I let the girls decorate them with jewels of their choice.

The finished product!

Nora wore hers for a split second and then wanted it off, but I got a  quick picture of her even though she was rather unwilling.

Four candles!

She was really into turning four and was quite disappointed when she realized her status had not changed to: Grown-Up and Now in Charge of Everybody. She still asks quite regularly who she is in charge of now that she is 4. :)

We finished up the party with some manicures and gift opening. The girls were all so sweet and quiet and everybody had a good time. I was so shocked at how calm it was having a party with girls after only having had boy parties for Aidan where there was constant activity and entertainment needed. I am grateful to celebrate Nora and her 4 years of life and hope to have many more wonderful birthday parties with her. 

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